There aren't a ton of explanations here. It was either a lab leak or from the wet market. Saying "low confidence" just means they don't have definitive proof. There is nothing at all supporting the wet market theory and China would have produced the evidence by now. OTOH they have every reason to hide the truth about it being a lab leak.
And it's going to happen sometime. Importing people just to have kids, most of whom will be on public assistance for a good portion of their lives, isn't a smart idea.
There are hundreds of thousands of families and probably billions of people who would want to seek a better life. Why should some be able to invade a country to get it? Is that fair?
And birth rates/the number of people need to decrease. There are too many people in the world. This is a way for that to happen without killing people.
Yes they're broken and they need to be fixed. Not have everyone flee who allegedly would be an asset to the US and undoubtedly be one for their own country.
And why should it be easier?
They're not being "tossed away." They're being returned to their home countries/allowed to leave on their own. Something the Nazis didn't afford Jews in Germany.
No, he's pointing out the inequity and saying they're looking to fix it. And I'm glad this is coming up and that Patty was actually asked directly about it.