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Posts posted by Doc

  1. While Butler may have some supporters here, he too was a problem. Just look at the Bills team Polian had assembled, and

    Butler only oversaw it's demise. He never came close to reloading the Bills to continue to be a quality team. Once Bruce, Andre, and Thurman moved on, we've basically been a train wreck since.

    And Butler would only have been with the Bills for 2 more (2001 and 2002) seasons, as he was diagnosed with cancer in July of 2002, and died the following year.

  2. In the grand scheme of thing, missing a rent or mortgage payment does a lot more damage than the potential for overdraft fees.


    "The "biggest check first" policy is common among large U.S. banks.. Banks argue that this is done to prevent a customer's most important transactions (such as a rent or mortgage check, or utility payment) from being returned unpaid, despite some such transactions being guaranteed.


    Consumers have attempted to litigate to prevent this practice, arguing that banks use "biggest check first" to manipulate the order of transactions to artificially trigger more overdraft fees to collect. Banks in the United States are mostly regulated by the Office of the Comptroller of Currency, a Federal agency, which has formally approved of the practice; the practice has recently been challenged, however, under numerous individual state deceptive practice laws.


    Bank deposit agreements usually provide that the bank may clear transactions in any order, at the bank's discretion."

    I had that happen to me. Both checks posted on the same date, but they took the bigger check first, so I was hit with 2 overdraft fees. I replaced the money as soon as I found out about it. I sent an e-mail (I've gotten an overdraft fee removed in the past) and they told me to pound sand. Now they've been sued for it. Good.

  3. Unfortunately there are 5 guys on the O-line, 6 if you include a blocking tight end. Two rookies that played a year and a half are the only positives on the line. Give Wood a C because he missed a lot of time and is one broken leg bone away from calling it a career, and Levitre a B+. Hang can be given a C- grade if you are gracious. Cornell Green is a D- and Bell is an F. We may have a blocking TE (in Matthews?) but he may not even make the team. Just cuz Gailey is better than Jauron does not mean he has earned anything more than a C. Given that the offense and defenses are all new schemes the coaches should not be higher than a C.

    I like to look at it in terms of improvement over last year. I can't assign a grade until I see them play as a unit.


    Wood (who will be fine and is in no more danger of re-breaking his leg, breaking his other leg, or suffering another injury than any other player in the NFL) and Levitre will be better in their 2nd years. Hangartner won't have to cover for rookie mistakes (there shouldn't be any rookies starting this year, unlike last year when up to 4 actual or essential [bell] rookies were starting) and he should be healthier (bad back) this year. Green will be better than what the Bills had there last year after Butler went down, and could turn into a decent player for them if he cuts down on the penalties. And Meredith will also be an upgrade over last year, when Bell was over-matched and under-prepared. And they all will benefit from a real NFL offensive scheme.

  4. It makes him and others feel better and hopeful about the good ole boys, Buddy and Chan. Jauron was THE problem, and now that THE problem has been expelled the great saviors Nix and Gailey can save the franchise.


    As others have mentioned, for the past 10 years (at least) every coach fired has been a worthless dumbass who knows nothing about football and every hire a football God. This includes DJ just a few short years ago.


    It is best just to let them be. If you look at the facts, Chan is a career mediocre coach. Buddy has only a theoretical track record to look at as anything other than a scout. Time will tell if they are successful, or 3 years from now everyone who is awestruck by the Gailey hire will turn on him like they did DJ and proclaiming the next coach the savior.


    Just sit back and enjoy the show.

    It beats the mindless talk that Ralph is THE problem and that the team won't get better until he's gone. :devil:


    Everyone needs a scapegoat. Some are just more real than others.

  5. I think we're on the same page. Apologies if not. Belicheck's strength - well, at least his tenure - has primarily been that of a defensive "guru". (Let's not even begin to talk about a certain Super Bowl.) My point is that Gailey, as OC of Miami, went head-to-head with the Defensively-minded AntiChrist for two seasons - one of which concluded with a Pats* Super Bowl victory, by the way - and took Satan three games out of four.


    Gregg Williams' record against Satan?

    Mike Mularkey's record against Satan?

    Dick Jauron's record against Satan?


    From this seat, things are looking better and better...

    No, we're totally on the same page. I just wanted to add something to what you were saying.

  6. And we're glad for it!


    Here's a side note that I'm sure others can augment. Bored as I was on a hot July 5th, I did a little research on Mr. Gailey. You know, the coach we love to hate. News flash - as offensive coordinator for Miami in 2000 - 2001, his Dolphins went 3-1 against Belicheck the AntiChrist. (I also looked at his Cowboys tenure, but it doesn't seem that they played the Pats* in 1998-1999).


    That's a pretty good track record, especially with what we've had around THESE parts against New England*. Is he going to be the second coming of Knute Rockne? Sober up. But 3-1? Thanks, I'll take that. I know the real old timers get all geeked up about the Miami rivalry. I hate Miami as much as the next person, but I want to see some success against the Pats*. I've fuggin' HAD it with that series. I want that curse lifted. I'll take a guy who's 3-1 any day of the week.

    Belichick wasn't with the Pats in 1998-1999. But the Dols went 11-5 in the division those 2 years. And while he was just the OC, with Dallas, his teams went 13-3 in the division.

  7. The Patriots didn't do much to help their roster. Adding Torry Holt and Alge Crumpler, both dinosaurs, won't do much in the face of Welker being limited, if he plays at all, for the first half of the year or longer and the loss of Ben Watson. The Jets messed with what works, and also added dinosaurs LT and JT, a poser like Cromartie, and they have several disgruntled players. The Dols added the biggest names, but the biggest names don't always help win games. The Bills can and will compete in the AFC East next year.

  8. Yea, I agree Jauron was "A" problem and the fact he didn't have a lot to work with was his fault, and the owners fault for trusting him to do a job he was unqualified for.


    It does all start at the top, and as much as Buffalo fans love and respect Ralph Wilson... it might be time for him to relinquish that president job he holds. Clearly it is just a title he holds for namesake and perhaps to take the income that goes with it.

    The Ravens, Colts and many other teams have full time working presidents that actually know the difference between a Jauron and someone who knows what they are doing.

    Again, Ralph hired Donahoe and it was a move praised by everyone, even ESPN. It didn't work out for whatever reason(s). After feeling betrayed by him, Ralph went back to the Bills' glory days and hired Marv as a figurehead GM. Marv hired Jauron and gave him most of the personnel control. That didn't work because Jauron wasn't great at picking players, wanted simplistic offenses, clung-to a dying defensive scheme, and was a horrible game day coach. So Ralph dug even deeper, went with Nix, who hired Whaley from the Steelers to be the AGM/future GM, and hired a coach who has been a HC before, had success, who knows offense, and is trying to install a popular defense. This after being turned down by all the "name" coaches. We'll see how it turns out.

  9. That the Bills' offense, with guys like TO, Evans, Reed, Parrish, Lynch, Jackson, and Nelson, weren't productive, thanks to a "Pop Warner" offense and cutting their starting LT days before the season started, speaks volumes about Jauron. That was his problem back in his Chicago days and it was hoped that he'd learned something from it. But apparently he didn't, and thus his days as a HC are over.

  10. its so adorable how some people think you just line a rb outside and he becomes a wr


    incredibly bold but not really so bold prediction: theres absolutely no way in hell that spiller becomes in any way shape or form a wr2. in fact, if he splits wide more than three times all season i will eat marshawns dreads


    even if you want to assume spiller has hands as good as a wr (which he probably doesnt, more likely vgood for a rb but no better than average for a wr) there is an entire universe of wr technique that has to be learned, especially for the outside receivers who are farther from the qb (thus needing more separation) and going against the top cbs. at the pro level the diff btwn players is so slight that its tiny adjustments that determine who wins the wr/db battle. you dont just step onto the field and run routes and expect to get open cuz youll get your ass handed to you


    in fact, i doubt we will even see spiller in the slot more than once per game until midseason. thurman had excellent hands for a rb and it took him a couple seasons before they were having him run any kind of wr routes with consistency


    spiller will be used for classic rb passes: screens, flares, primary outlets, that kind of thing. other than to throw off the defense and get him some experience running nfl routes, he is not going to be used as any kind of consistent wr this season, probably not ever


    you may now return to your regularly scheduled wild speculation

    While I agree that I doubt he's lined-up outside (he'll start in the backfield and move into one of the slot positions), he's got WR-caliber talent. Actually "gifted receiver" is what I've read about him.


    And as for not being a full-time back, he won't have to be. There are 2 other RB's. He'll be played at WR (again, in the slot) and as a returnman.

  11. Yes, it would be far better if they simply gave up and publicly admitted at the start of the season and reiterated before each game that they're playing to lose, expect to lose and will do everything in their power to lose. Only then will the team and management's hopes, aspirations and yes expectations be level-set with the loser fans who frequent this board. For the life of me, I just don't get why they don't do that. Seriously.

    Put him/her on ignore, like I did.

  12. Brown already has the #2 spot. The 3-way battle is for the #1 & #3 spots and, when the dust settles, the depth chart will look like this...


    Brian Brohm - Starting QB

    Bad Bad Levi Brown - Backup QB

    Ryan Fitzpatrick - Clipboard Carrier

    Trent Edwards - Marketing Intern - Synopsys / President - Dakota Fanning Fan Club/Los Gatos Chapter


    A great, safe Independence Day weekend to all!

    No, Brown is penned-in as #3 QB. Who are #1, #2, and gonzo remains to be seen, but I'm thinking Brohm, Edwards, and Fitz respectively, with Fitz getting asked if he'd like to become an assistant QB coach.

  13. :unsure:


    I forgot that RW didn't re-sign DJ and then fire him about one year later. How many owner's are re-signing and firing their HC's? Or RW dictating to Wade Phillips that he start Rob Johnson against Tennessee. Or re-signing OJ on the evening of the 1976 season. The list goes on and on and on.

    Ralph re-signed DJ? Or Brandon suggested to him that they do it, after the 4-0 start? At least he fired him after a year instead of keeping him around longer.


    As for Ralph telling Wade to start RJ, I haven't heard of a credible source on that one. Rather, when I saw an interview of him during the week leading-up to that Titans game, he was jovial and confident that RJ would win the game, not like a man being forced to start someone he didn't want. And if not for a blown ST's assignment, the Bills would have won that game.


    I don't know anything about OJ being re-signed on the even of the 1976 season. Or the significance of it.

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