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Posts posted by Doc

  1. I disagree with some of this. You are right there are plenty of question marks but we are OK at ILB, WR is much better than most are predicting Steve Johnson and Marcus Eaisly will be very good and Hardy may be Ok as well. TE I think will be very good Nelson may have a break out year. OL not good, QB biggest ?, OLB not good, DL on the bad side of OK but some talent if Dwan Edwards and Stroud play well together. I think it could be alot better team than most think but I guess the Kool Aid is starting to taste good on these hot summer days.

    Not Kool Aid. That post was silly.

  2. The bolded parts sum up my response.


    Also, nothing screams "white flag" more than tossing in the CBA.

    Fair enough doc. If you can find a quote by Jerruh where he said he didn't want to interview Gailey, I'll admit you win. In the (indefinite) meantime, I'll take the far more believable position that Gailey had been there/done that and didn't want to go through "that" all over again.


    You lost the CBA argument years ago, doc. I just keep hammering you on it because you are obviously a masochist. But I used it to make a point that Jerruh doesn't casually "toss out" mea culpas like you fancy he does.

  3. This is so annoying.


    Dick Jauron played not to lose.


    Whether factually true or not, these claims about keeping it close in the fourth quarter don't matter because they reflect a failed philosophy.

    Playing not to lose doesn't explain the Bills being tied or ahead going into the 4th quarter 10 times last year. No team looked at the Bills' offense and said "they suck, so we're not going to score until the 4th quarter."


    I assume Jauron's thinking with the offense is he wanted to score points while controlling the clock and limit the scoring chances of the opponent (then again, this is the thinking behind most offenses, and all I know is that Schonert called it a "Pop Warner" offense while Demeco Ryans said it was easy to figure out). The problem is the offense failed miserably in that respect. The (undersized, Tampa-2) defense deserves a lot of credit for keeping the games close on their own merit, but given the time it was out on the field most games, coupled with the impotence of the offense, the Bills lost a lot of games in the 4th quarter. If the defense can just play to the same level, a better offense should help a lot. If the defense, which will be bigger and looks to be better conditioned/tougher, can avoid last-quarter collapses AND the offense is better, the Bills could be a good team.

  4. I was putting in a above ground fish pond on our new pool deck, cleaning it and filling it up with water then setting in the electric pump. Well the pump wanst working, so I steped in the water to pick up the pump to check it out. Thats when I started to get electricuted. Good fourtune for me that we had the electrical outlets on the pool deck set for emergency shut off. I steped out of the pond un pluged the pump and pulled it out, sure enough, a small piece of electrical tape had peeled away showing wires.


    Got zapped for about 15 seconds. Scared the shiit out of me!! :censored:

    I got a swingset for my boys that has a slide on it. I put a pool at the end of the slide, filled it with water, put a water pump in it, and ran a hose to the top of the slide, to make a water slide. It was plugged into a GFCI outlet. It worked great and the kids used it a few time, but I wasn't sure I wanted to chance anything really bad happening so we haven't used it in years.

  5. He won't be leaving the Cavs. So don't worry.


    And the Cleveland Cavs should give you insight into the mentality of pro players and how they don't want to play in certain cities, like Buffalo. Here the Cavs were the best team in the regular season last year, have arguably the best player in LBJ, and still NONE of the top FA's wanted to go there.

  6. Do you still want me to answer this question?--seems you answered it yourself.


    Jones tossed off a compliment to Gailey, big deal. When there came to correct this "biggest mistake", Jones didn't even interview the guy. Why can't you understand this. He wasn't asked to interview.


    The two interviews Gailey got were obviously courtesy interviews, as both the Steelers (even with Cowher's endorsement) and the Fins were very familiar with Gailey's work and passed in favor of two guys with zero HC experience. You're chosing to ignore this inconvenient truth. Go figure......


    And your analogy (hot girlfriend) is, as usual, misused. It would be more accurate to describe it as there are only 32 girls on the planet. A guy with Chan Gailey's level of attraction doesn't turn down a date with one of the hottest of the 32, just becuase she dumped him once--especially if she is rich and begging him to come back. It would never happen that way. You're stuck with stating, ridiculously, the contrary so.... nothing I can do to help you.

    Yeah, Jerruh is in the habit of admitting mistakes, especially when "tossing off" unsolicited compliments of past head coaches. Where do you get this stuff?


    Then again, maybe Gailey had a gun to Jerruh's head when he said it? Or maybe Gailey is dying and Jerruh felt he had to say something really nice, to the point of making himself look like a fool? You think maybe one day he'll admit he !@#$ed-up the 2006 CBA? Yeah, that's the ticket.


    Jerruh probably wanted to interview Gailey but Gailey told him to take a hike. There are 31 other "pretty hot chicks" out there, so no need to go back with one you know is crazy and who dumped you for no good reason the first time around. Money doesn't buy happiness. Obviously.


    Miami hired Parcells, who hired his own guy. The Steelers went with someone who had never worked for the organization before and who wasn't recommended by Cowher. Nothing to see here, move along.

  7. Interviewing for an NFL job isn't something you sign up for. It requires an invitation. Come on doc!


    The Bills weren't doing around saying what a huge mistake it was for the Cowboys to fire CG, either--see the difference?


    Not sure if Cowher said hire Tomlin--hard to imagine they didn't seek Cowher's blessing/advice. But he certainly did not say hire CG, did he---despite his claims that he would do so when the Bills picked him.


    Jones and Cowher didn't want him when they had he chance to hire or support the hiring of CG.

    As an interviewee, you also can decide where you want to interview, and if offered a job, whether you want to take it. It's not some major coincidence that Gailey only interviewed with NFL teams with whom he'd worked and who didn't fire him. Again my hot/crazy ex-girlfriend analogy fits Jerruh and the Cowboys to a T. Sounds good in theory, but somewhere in the world, someone is already sick of his/her spit.


    Bill Cowher most certainly didn't recommend that the Steelers hire Tomlin. And even if he didn't recommend Gailey, he most certainly would have recommended Whisenhunt, yet the Steelers went with Tomlin. Obviously what Cowher said to them wasn't that important.


    But I'm still curious as to why you think Jones lied when he said that his firing of Gailey was a mistake? Not that his word means anything. Just wondering why Jerruh would lie like that?

  8. Back when I was 7 or 8, I was at my local Wegman's in Penfield, NY. Back then, they had a big plate glass window in front, a "conveyor belt" of sorts that had wheels to roll plastic containers of groceries outside the store. Nearby the window were those candy dispensers. My mom was paying and I told her I wanted to go get some candy. She said "stay right here." A few moments later (enough time for me to be at the candy dispensers), a car came backing into the plate glass window, shattering the whole thing. had I been there, I'd have been seriously cut, maybe even dead. Who knew that getting candy was a risk!

  9. It's a simple assumption to make, doc. He was clearly trying to get out of GT, even you can't claim otherwise. Believe what you have to. JJ loved him, wished he'd never fired him, but didn't interview him---settling on Philips instead.

    Simple, yes. But when he doesn't interview for the SEVEN other vacant head coaching jobs, he's not exactly "desperate" to get out of GT, is he? Hell the Bills were looking for a coach, but didn't interview him, and settled on Jauron. Was that because the Bills refused, or he did?


    As for the Steelers not hiring Gailey, they didn't even hire one of their own coordinators, who helped them win a SB. And I doubt Cowher told them "hire Mike Tomlin." So that's also proof of nothing.

  10. Facing the real facts is much more mature than creating one's pathetic "what if" non-reality.

    I know for sure that I'm not wallowing in misery over the the team's state of affairs. For me it is only a game and entertainment. You may think you speak for me but you certainly don't. When it gets to the point that a team's record has to be masqueraded in a "what if" then I find it lame and embarrassing.

    Come now John, you're more mature than wallowing in lameness and embarrassment. Then again, you've been complaining about the team for the past decade and yet here you are. So you're not as mature as you claim, if you still keep on having hope.

  11. I like the bolded part best.


    Look, only in your world would it be "far more 'realistic'" for CG to refuse another crack at the NFL (and the Cowboys) from a begging JJ. But it doesn't matter---because Jones never interviewed him. Despite CG making it loud and clear he was desperately seeking an NFL job as a ticket out of oblivion at GT, despite JJ's heartfelt confession---he was not among the 10 men interviewed.


    Go ahead, dive back into the shallow end, doc.


    But you are correct---we all hope for the best and will see very soon if CG is worthy of JJ's dubious praise.

    There were ten, count 'em ten, head coaching vacancies prior to the 2006 season doc. Gailey interviewed for TWO teams for whom he'd worked and had a good relationship. Yeah, that's desperation!


    Don't confuse Gailey not interviewing for the Cowboys job as some sort of proof that Gailey wanted to interview and/or JJ didn't want to interview him. That's how you get yourself into trouble.

  12. If almost wins counted as wins the Bills would be a contending team. If that is the case then should we count almost losses as losses?


    Trying to explain away one's record and interpret a collection of losses in a better light is a pathetic rationalization of one's long term mediocrity. This topic is an example how losers use lame excuses to justify their futility.


    The Bills have been mediocre for a decade. Trying to explain away the ugly truth of organizational ineptitude is not a reason to have hope, it is a demonstration of one's inability to face the reality of a lowly ranked team. This topic is sad and embarrassing. There comes a time when you have to deal with the REAL record and not be invigorated by the delusion of the "WHAT IF" record. How pathetic can one get here?

    Nothing is more pathetic than wallowing in misery.



    That stat is wrong.



    So here are the real stats;


    In 7/16 we were winning entering the 4th quarter.

    In 10/16 we were winning or tied entering the 4th quarter. (not 14/16 to the original poster)

    In 11/16 we were winning, tied, or with 3 entering the 4th quarter.

    In 13/16 we were winning, tied, or within 7 entering the 4th quarter.



    So basically, we were only out of 3 games by the 4th quarter. Not too shabby.

    Thanks. I was going to do what you did, but ran out of time/steam at work.


    That the Bills were tied or leading in 10 of the 16 games, and won another they were trailing by 7 going into the 4th quarter, is pretty good, especially considering what was going on with the (n)offense, as well as all the injuries.

  14. I have an interesting parallel ... I have friends heavily into Gerogia (the state) college football. I called them when I first heard the Bills were looking at Gailey and to a man, they laughed and said it must be a false rumor. No one in their right mind would hire Gailey as a head coach in college, must less the NFL.

    Except that success in college and success in the pros rarely go hand-in-hand. Not to mention the odds of a "name" coach who won a SB with his previous team, winning another one with the Bills (or another team), are almost nil.

  15. Gailey knew he was on his last leg at GT, of course he would have interviewed with the cowgirls after the steelers and phins turned him down had he been asked. But what you or I think really doesn't matter, and we will never know for sure.


    For about the 100th time, Gailey historically is a mediocre coach. Read whatever you need into jones not rehiring him, or why the steelers, fish, and basically everyone else passed to get yourself excited about the upcoming season. Who knows, maybe God will smile down on Buffalo and lift our coach and team out of mediocrity. The odds of that happening are better than Gailey suddenly transforming into a great coach this late in his life on his own.


    I for one cannot wait for the season to start so we can stop all the "jones biggest mistake ever" talk and see what we really have.

    The bolded part is pure speculation. It's far more "realistic" to think that Gailey had had enough of Jones' schtick the first time around and was so disgusted by the way he was fired, for Dave Campo no less, after taking the Cowboys to the playoffs two years in a row, that he told Jones to go fornicate himself if/when he called to set-up an(other) interview. It's like dating a hot girl, finding out she's pyscho, and refusing to go out with her again when she comes calling, because you know how it will all turn out.


    The "biggest mistake" quote by Jones is worthless in and of itself. Gailey will prove his worth on the field, not by what Jones said. But Jones still meant it, otherwise he wouldn't have said it.


    And I agree that I can't wait for the season to start so we can end this mindless mental masturbation.

  16. It's a simple question. And yeah, I made a "major assumption" that Gailey was looking to leave--because he told the world he was....(read on).


    So your position is that Gailey, trying the patience of the boosters at GT, would NOT have (re)taken a job as HC of the Cowboys if JJ had come to him and told him that firing him was his biggest mistake ever? You think CG would have preferred to stay at a college job when a guy like JJ is begging him to come back? I'll let you hang onto that doozie!


    If so, why did Gailey interiew (to answer your previous question) with the Steelers and the Dolphins (both teams with whom he had coached) after the '06 season? Both didn't want him. He therefore announced he was "returning" to GT for the '07 season. GT dumped him by the end of the season and bought out his contract--paying a million dollars to him not to coach their team.

    Fair enough; he was looking to leave GT prior to the 2007 season. But yes I do believe that he wanted nothing to do with the Cowboys after being fired by Jones. And that's the difference between the Cowboys and the Steelers and Dols situations: he wasn't fired by the latter two teams. I just don't see why Jones would lie when he said that firing Gailey was a mistake. I don't recall him saying the same things about Campo or Switzer, and Switzer won a SB with the Cowboys.

  17. What's your point?---that Gailey was "unavailable" to take the Cowboys job because he was coaching some mediocre colege team?



    Bahahahahaha. Oh, the irony.


    Making the major assumption that Gailey was looking to leave GT after the 2006 season, what makes you think it would have been appealing to Gailey to go back and work for a guy who "made a mistake" and fired him before? Do you think the aforementioned Wade Phillips would ever come back and coach the Bills?


    You and your alter-ego mpl should start a new board.

  18. Jerry Jones claims firing Gailey was a huge mistake, yet when he had the chance to correct that mistake in '07, he chose.....Wade Philips! This move was widely panned. Jones interviewed 10 people for the job---I haven't even seen Gailey listed as a guy they interviewed.


    Go figure.

    What other NFL team(s) did Gailey interview with prior to that 2007 season (when he was still HC of GT)?

  19. The reason is that we are the only team that does not yet have a starting LT, which pundits often consider the most important position on the line. Additionally, Wood is coming from a career threatening injury and has a long ways to go before he gets on the field in pads. If you consider those two, this line gets a D and not a F only because of Levitre and the possibility of Wood coming back from the injury. I believe their assessment is pretty fair.

    That's just flat-out wrong. His injury wasn't close to career-threatening, judging by the fact that just 7 months later, he was back on the practice field, albeit in a limited capacity. When all is said and done, it won't even be 2010-season threatening, barring any unforeseen setbacks.

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