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Posts posted by Doc

  1. At least according to my new doctor. I had a detailed blood workup done and my doctor said "this is the most excellent blood panel I've ever seen. You're going to live forever." The best news I've ever heard that sucks. I'm confused.

    Did you ever see the movie "Highlander?" You don't want to live forever.

  2. So the value of TO was essentially as a gimmick to make you feel better about Buffalo. Fine--if you feel that is worth any amount of money, I can't dispute your feelings.


    829 yards, 55 catches. Leading receiver--on the Bills. Wow. Look, Evans/Reed/Royal were as productive as TO/Evans/Reed. That's what it comes down to. If we had not added TO there would have been no change in the passing offense. Reed would have been our "leading receiver", as usual. What's hard about this?


    The players TO dissed essentially are Garcia and McNabb. I don't think that either will go to the HOF, but I don't know that either is a cheat or a criminal.


    Sure it's not my money, nor is it any fan's money, directly. That doesn't stop any or all of us (even you, DR. selective memory) from commenting on whether we think a team is wasting money on a player. What a bizarre comment to make...

    Very good, doc. Had TO not been on the team last year, someone else obviously would have been the leading receiver. Even if he had, say, 40 catches (which could have been possible without a real #2 WR and the general offensive ineptitude displayed last year). The reality is however is that TO WAS on the team and WAS the leading receiver. And he played for less than what Evans made. That's an impact, regardless of how deperately you try to spin it.


    Now obviously the offense as a whole sucked, for the reasons already discussed. But again, there are 10 other guys, along with a coordinator, who as a group had a much larger part in the offense's failures than anything TO did or didn't do. Most everyone sees this.


    Yes I liked the attention TO brought to Buffalo. I was curious to see what he'd say about it, given he'd played in much larger markets, as well as if he'd "blow up," like you said he would (and then spun, when he didn't. Forget those Powerball numbers). He was surprisingly complimentary to the region and didn't cause any problems.


    And a 1-year, $6.5M deal wasn't going to hamstring the Bills. If I've criticized teams for what they've spent on players, it's the long-term, high-bonus contracts. That's the difference.

  3. Lee wouldn't have been able to see them because of the blanket coverage he never gets free from. Please, TO dropped more balls than we would have liked (zero), but let's not get silly. Our WR corps is FAR weaker without him in there right now.


    I think he never got an offer because Chan hates him. Pretty sure he was coaching Dallas when TO pulled his standing on the Star thing.

    It could be that +/- Nix and TO didn't get along when Nix was TO's college coach (although reportedly they buried the hatchet awhile ago). Also, I could see not re-signing him if they're completely writing-off the year and want to get the younger guys their reps in in a rebuilding year. But if they think there's any chance to compete, he'd be worth adding to the team.

  4. You're stuck at "he led the team in receiving"--again, big deal. Evans/Reed, TO/Evans. They finished with their worst record in 4 years and, again, at the bottom of the AFCE. Their passing performance was worse than 2008 in almost any metric you can measure.


    Yet TO had an impact that was well worth $6.5 million----because he made Buffalo "relevant"?? Because of the anticipated media circus? Because the press portrayed both parties as desperate and somewhat sad? And of course the press lost interest in TO when all they had to cover was his mediocre season. But the "relevance" remained??


    For the last time, I was not "expecting TO to be a one-man offense" (you are a great slayer of straw men, not so much when it comes to actual arguments). Never said that. In fact, I made clear that I didn't expect all the magical things many here were sure would happen as soon as TO put on the uniform--an amazing rippling effect that would impact our QB(s), our young WRs, Lee Evans (i read it right here--TO and Evans will be the best WR duo in the league), our DBs...etc. It never happened.


    I did say Peters sucked in 2008. But he was better than Walker. It would therefore lack sense to cry over the loss of the latter. Think it through, doc.

    LOL! If only you'd done that with your "someone had to catch those passes" line! And continued utterance of it.


    Leading receiver, doc. At less money than Evans. There is no way to spin this, even though you're "desperately" trying to do so by talking about the output of the entire offense, which consists of 10 other players. Hence the "one man offense" comment.


    And yes, the Bills became relevant. After the initial silliness over the alleged "desperation" by both parties, the Bills were talked about again and Buffalo didn't look like the Siberia people thought.


    But why you continue to care about the money, when it's not yours, the Bills weren't close to the cap, and didn't prevent the Bills from getting anyone else (who obviously would have been worth it, eh?), is anyone's guess. No wait, I know: it's because you have nothing else. You'd be better off directing your hate at the real criminals, cheaters, and non-HOF bound players you feel TO dissed, who don't play for the Bills. But we all know why that will never happen.

  5. Unfortunately, for you Edwards fans, you keep looking for the next "reason" to excuse Trent's poor play. And there always is one.


    "The" Concussion

    'Phantom' concussions

    bad offensive coordinators (never mind each one was chosen with the concept of continuity in mind just so the team would NOT have to learn a completely new offense)

    bad offensive system in general

    bad OL

    bad WRs (nobody is getting open. Signed TO to help Lee and Edwards)

    players out to get him (TO was a cancer. was able to convince the "young" players such as Josh Reed that Trent needed to be benched)

    poor coaching overall

    bad front office


    And the guy has only been in the league for 3 years, and has less than 2 years of playing experience.


    I would hate to see that list in another 3 years!




    Playing experience would be a major plus if


    1. All QB's were equal in regards to learning the new O




    2. If one had significantly more playing experience than the other.


    Trent does not have #2 IMHO.

    Trent has been in the league one more year than Brohm, and has less than 2 years playing experience.

    The injury-proneness is the worst part. You don't know when he's going to do down. You would hope he'd be able to overcome it, but his history doesn't suggest he will. Add that to being scared on the field, and investing more time in him isn't worth it. That being said, I'd keep him as the backup.

  6. No, never said TO was "the cause of all the problems". You simply made that up--"what a shocker there!". This is what you do. My point was clear--TO=no impact for the money and hype. You have chosen not to directly dispute this.


    Wow, the old Powerball line again, eh? As for Schonert--we've been over this. He was the architect of a crappy offense the prior year. And Walker was an insanely overpaid RT who absolutely hated the idea of having to play LT. So stop spinning.

    Sure TO had an impact. What planet have you been living on? He led the team in receiving and he actually made the Bills relevant last year, if not helped portray Buffalo in a better light (and goodness knows, Buffalo needs it!). For that alone he was well worth the $6.5M. You have chosen not to directly dispute these things. Oh wait, you feebly attempted with the "someone had to catch those passes" and "the Bills were relevant until TO wasn't relevant on the field, blah, blah, blah." Wave that white flag a little higher, doc.


    Again doc, if you were expecting TO to be a one-man offense, that's on no one else but you. Most everyone else realizes that no, not everyone can catch those passes, or be an OC, or be an LT (and the funniest thing is you thought Peters sucked in 2008!).

  7. That's exactly right. What this administration needs to do is provide tax credits to small businesses so they can hire employees they don't need to build products no one is buying to earn a tax credit that will ultimately be paid for by the very people who are being asked to hire the people they don't need so they can pass that increase on to the very people who aren't buying their products.

    How about paying businesses NOT to make products? Kind of like farm subsidies?

  8. Excellent point, because the only thing that changed between those two seasons was the addition of TO.

    That's what he's saying, with the conclusion being that TO was the cause of all the problems. What a shocker there!


    Or maybe he predicted the Bills would fire Schonert and cut Walker right before the season started? Hey doc, what are the Poweball numbers for this Saturday?


    Another great point, after all, Oakland still sucked with Randy Moss proving once and for all that he was a washed up nobody.

    "Somebody caught all those passes" after Moss left Oakland. I guess doc's got something there! Looks like teams are foolish to spend big money on WR's because anybody can catch passes.

  9. Sorry, the "plurality of passes". Better?


    Bottom line, as I pointed out long ago: without TO, Bills passed for 3302 yards in '08. Evans had 1017, Reed 597 and Parrish 232. Royal had 351. With TO in '09, 2789 yards passing TO 829, Evans 612, Reed 291, Roscoe 34. Evans Reed and Parrish saw their numbers shifted to TO. Net result, overall passing game was worse in '09.


    Fetish, huh? I just thought the article was funny as it validates what many have always felt about TO. You actually pine for the guy still.

    TO got more passes thrown to him. Why do you suppose this is?


    And as I pointed out to you long ago, when you fire your OC and LT just before the season starts, not to mention have up to 4 rookie or first-time starters on your O-line, you won't do well no matter what. And those had nothing to do with TO.

  10. You're the one who is hooked on what JJ thinks!! YOu won't stop referring to it in fact. WTF?? hahahaha


    Those big bad boosters tossed him out less than 12 months later---he knew what was coming, doc. You don't seem too clear on this.


    The best part about your goofy rant is that you are under the impression that HC candidates in the NFL "chose" to interview by putting their name on a sign up sheet outside of the door of a team's front office.


    Guess CG, by "signing up" to interview with the Steelers and the Fins, picked the only 2 teams that didn't want him--what a strange strategy!! But hey, he had that great job at GT, and 2 more seasons left on his contract, while he picked the next NFL teams to interview with, right


    Tell me again why he didn't interview with the Bills before they picked DJ?

    I said a dozen or so posts ago that what Jerruh said and did or didn't do has no bearing on anything. And frankly I don't care what he said about Gailey, other than the fact that he said it and obviously meant it.


    Again, who cares about the boosters? Gailey knew that if he didn't get the job he wanted in the NFL, he could return, and if fired, would pocket $4M. Which he did. The horror!


    Wait, are you claiming that a person who receives interview offers, can't choose where to accept them or not? Please tell me you're not saying this.


    Why didn't the Bills interview Gailey back in 2006? Because he didn't want to interview with them?

  11. Yes, if only---but you brought it up.


    It will all be come self evident when another receiver catches more passes than anyone else on the team this season. Seems to happen every year, doc.

    As I showed above doc, TO got less than a pass and a half more throws per game, not the "majority of passes" that you made up. And with all the drops by TO, you'd think that Evans would have out-received him. Didn't happen. Not to mention TO had a higher YPC average (obviously because all the passes were being thrown to him).


    Beyond that, the Bills passed the ball the 2nd fewest times in the NFL last year. As a fr'instane, they passed it over a 100 times fewer than the Cowboys did in 2008, when TO was targeted 139 times. Multiplying 139 by his 2009 52.4% catch rate, you get 73 catches, times 15.1 YPC is 1,102 yards.


    So you see, the Bills had a lousy offensive scheme and lousy QB'ing, something you'd have to agree with, since you say "it's all about the QB." But carry-on with your TO fetish.

  12. His character was great here in Buffalo...


    I guess that I have a different opinion. Because he didn't come out and call Edwards gay, or complain to the media, or any of the other things he did in the past, I guess he is getting a free pass.


    I thought his effort was abysmal. I think that our QBs looked worse than they are, hard to do, by having to force 15 throws his direction every game, only for him to give a half-assed effort in trying to make a catch. He also dropped several would-be TD's.


    People want to praise him because he didn't reduce himself to a ranting lunatic in a presser, then so be it. I don't think he added anything to this team. I know there is a lot of Evan's haters that will disagree, but if we would have thrown those balls to Lee, he would have been in the Pro Bowl.


    Lee isn't as big as TO, but he is faster, has better hands, and sure as **** gives a ton more effort. I do acknowledge that TO is/was a great receiver, but his effort last year didn't impress me. I am glad we moved on.

    TO was targeted 105 times last year. Lee was targeted 83. That's 1.375 more passes TO's way a game, not 15. Both caught around 52-52% of the passes thrown their way.


    As for Evans' effort, it wasn't much better. He might not have dropped as many as TO, but it's not like 1.375 more passes his way would have made much of a difference. The offense was a fuster cluck from the get-go.

  13. Yes, someone has to throw those passes. Very good.

    Sigh. If only it were that simple.


    No, the QB problem is not solved, nor was it when the majority of passes was temporarily shifted to TO.

    Now you're starting to catch-on. So to speak.

  14. Why didn't he interview with seven other teams? Hmmmmmm....that's a mind bender. Oh, wait---they didn't ask him to!


    Yes, that's right--the two teams that didn't fire him did him the courtesy of an interview, despite having no intention of hiring him. The team that DID fire him, DIDN'T interview him.


    See? You've finally figured it all out! Glad I could help.

    No, he didn't interview because he didn't want them. Because he wasn't desperate, like you laughably claim. Despite those big, bad GT boosters!


    The funniest part is Jerruh hiring Wade Phillips, who in 8 years of head coaching, has just 1 playoff win. Which begs the question, why does anyone even care what Jerruh thinks or does?

  15. You want me to prove JJ didn't call up CG??? Why (or how) would I do that?? Look, no where does it say that any of the 10 guys invited for interviews included CG. No where does it say that JJ claims CG turned down an interview.


    YOU claim he did so---you prove it. You claimed he wasn't looking for an NFL HC job when you first claimed that CG didn't want to coach the Cowboys. When that proved to be factually incorrect, you made up your tortured "hot girl" analogy. When that didn't work, you simply declared that you felt "it was far more believable" that he would pass up a job with the Cowboys (and what might be his last chance to coach in the NFL) so he could return to the disgruntled boosters in Georgia Tech. Yeah, I could see why you would find that "far more believable"!


    Keep it coming man!

    Again, Gailey was SO desperate to get back into the NFL, feeling his HC'ing mortality with every breath, that he didn't interview with SEVEN other teams looking for a HC? And the Dols and Steelers (who again were coincidentally 2 teams that didn't fire him, while Jerruh did) were "courtesy" interviews, but Jerruh wouldn't extend the same to Gailey, a guy to whom he "tossed out a compliment" in which he admits he was wrong in firing him the first time. No doc, there is need for me to prove anything further. You've unwittingly done it for me.

  16. I'm an ignoramous. Fine. Please name the starting two inside linebackers, and the starting two DE's for the Bills....right now, name these 4 guys who make up "some of our strongest positions." Oh what's wrong, you don't freakin' know who the starters will be, right? Because the Bills new coaches have installed new systems and brought in and drafted new players to join the current players, most of which all need to play new positions....right??


    And exactly what about that situation makes ILB and DE two of the strongest positions on the team?? :thumbsup:

    The starting ILB's will probably be Davis and Poz. The starting DE's will be Stroud and Dwan Edwards. Kyle Williams will be the 1-gap NT. The OLB's remain to be seen, hence the article. Whitner is an above average SS, but I agree that he hasn't played up to his 8th overall selection. TE's are incomplete given that the Bills didn't know how to use them the past few years. WR, specifically #2 WR, is a concern. And obviously QB and LT bear watching.

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