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Posts posted by Doc

  1. Yes, Owens comes off, all and all, pretty good on his show. Of course, it has to be the most scripted "reality" show out there.. :thumbsup:


    I think his season in Buffalo, his show, were all done with the intent of re-habilatiting his image, rather than winning football games. I really don't think his main concern, while in Buffalo, was to put up big numbers, and win games. It was more to get people (media specifically) to start talking about what an upstanding citizen he was, in a crummy situation like Buffalo, and to disprove, once and for all, that he was not a "team cancer".


    What I don't think he banked on was that, unless he did something incredible on the field, or, if the Bills didn't become relevant on the field, nobody was going to pay attention. Ultimately, the last "news" most remember about Owens, was the way he was banished from the Cowboys. Now, he can't find a job. He is still lobbying for a job with the Redskins, no doubt relishing the headlines he would make playing against the Cowboys two, or maybe three, times this season. I don't think Shanahan will want any part of that... I really think he ends up signing with the Titans.

    It seems like TO thinks the way I do, about his year in Buffalo:


    "There were a number of times where prior I probably would have reacted, said something I wasn't supposed to say," Owens told The Associated Press on Tuesday. "I really had some restraint, very patient."


    Did any owners notice?


    "It's almost like I didn't play last year," he lamented.




    How do you make those leaps? A WR by himself isn't going to win football games and anyone who thought he would, is a fool. And it should tell you something about him, when he says "it's almost like I didn't play last year," after catching 55 passes for 829 yards and scoring 6 TD's. Not to mention him admitting that he reigned himself instead of going off like he could/should have.

  2. Yeah, my daughter really focused in on the Fairmont Southampton. I told her I was going to keep looking, but she's already got her mind set on that place! As far as I can tell, there's nothing under $200/night that won't creep her out, and she's not a princess either. She's a lacrosse player, but she won't handle bugs or dirty rooms. It's going to be hard to convince her to stay anywhere else, I'm afraid!


    The southern shore seems pretty nice, but then, isn't all of Bermuda "pretty nice"? :thumbsup:

    I know you said you want to stay 5 days, but if you stay 4, you save quite a bit. That 4th night free is a really good deal. But look into JetBlue as well. They have airfare and hotel deals.

  3. I haven't been there in about 10 years; used to go there annually for business. I always stayed in the Fairmont Princess because it was right in the "business district" in Hamilton. Nice place, but downtown (Hamilton's a pretty small place, so don't let the expression "downtown" spook you). I heard that the nicer place was the Fairmont Southampton, which was out of town a few miles. THAT was the place at which I'd swore I would stay next time I got back, but unfortunately never made it. Five star for both places. Bear in mind that Hamilton is not cheap. Everything is about 10% higher than NYC, because everything is brought in by ship or plane.

    Funny you mention the Fairmont Southampton. I looked up Bermuda after the OP asked about it, and the FS was the only 4-star hotel in a decent price range (you get the 4th night free, apparently, and a 4-night stay actually costs less than $250/night). I don't know anything about it, so I didn't post.


    And it looks like JetBlue has some deals going to Bermuda, although I don't know for what dates.

  4. The closest he came to slamming Buffalo? One of his friends says something about them being worried about him, and having him on suicide watch...he jokes "I'm going to commit suicide because I am leaving Buffalo?"

    That's an interesting comment for his friend to make, considering he "tried to commit suicide" in Dallas. :bag:

  5. James could not convince Bosh to play in Cleveland, so James, Bosh and Wade went to Miami. Think about this a minute: Young, rich ballers hanging in Cleveland - or in our case, Buffalo - or South Beach. Which would you choose? Is it any wonder we have a hard time?

    Nope. Plus Florida, Texas, Washington, and Tennessee (except for dividend and interest income) have no state income tax.

  6. It's a talent you have being offensive in even the most benign posts. Not many can do it so consistently.


    Anyone who thinks President Obama isn't a truly excellent rhetorician and orator has let hate seriously twist his views, to the point of not really seeing reality anymore. There are plenty of excellent orators on both sides of the aisle. The President is one of the best.

    Too bad that's ALL he's good at doing. Outside of deception and chicanery. :thumbsup:

  7. Why do you think he was cut? When the decision was made to play Bell ahead of him the Bills were not going to pay starter money to a backup, even if he could have been a backup for a number of positions on the line. Walker was due a roster bonus. That made the decision very easy for the decision makers.


    The Bills have been bad for a very long time. Still, you are struggling to find one of the many obvious reasons why this is such a lackluster franchise. Why do you think London Fletcher was released when he was our best LB? His contract was up. This franchise was certainly not going to give him a contract commensurate with his performances, especially when he could be replaced by a cheaper player.


    As I stated before, if you can't figure it out by now you never will.

    With his contract extension, Jauron gained control over personnel moves. Why do you think the money meant anything to him?


    Oh wait, that's right. Ralph "meddles" and he's "cheap." :rolleyes:


    Carry on, John. There will be no learning tonight.

  8. You guys do have a helluva secondary. I think your defense's ceiling is going to be dependent on the contributions of one particular rookie: Terrell Troup. Nose tackles make or break a 3/4. When we first switched and had Dewayne Robertson, we stuffed the run like a sieve. It was awful. Kris Jenkins made all the difference in the world. You need two things to make the 3/4 work: stout guy up the middle and a good play-caller. Other than that, I'd say you guys have a pretty good D, I'm not so sure how effective tampa-2 LBs are going to be in a scheme where they're taking on guards, but I've seen some undersized LBs excel in a 3/4. We'll see.

    Outside of Ellison and DiGiorgio (both of whom were in the 220's# range), none of the other guys were "Tampa 2" LB's. They were merely LB's who were put into the Tampa 2. Now there won't be any small LB's on defense for the Bills, and the DE's will be 3-4 sized DE's. And yes a lot will depend on Troup, or how Kyle Williams works as a 1-gap NT.

  9. What got Walker out of Buffalo was his contract and upcoming roster bonus. The Bills simply went cheap. A week or two before he got cut a reporter stated that there was a good probability that Walker was going to be released. Sure enough, he was let go before the season started.


    If you haven't figured out how the Bills run their shop by now you never will. :nana:

    LOL! The old "cheap" claim. :rolleyes:

  10. first, watch the game rather than breaking out the stat sheet. He was beaten or had to hold on every play. (no sack doesn't mean you didn't get by your man). Secondly, do you NOT think that performance sealed his benching? Pure coincidence in your mind? Thirdly, James Harrison was emblematic of the 3-4 edge rushers he'd face all season in our division.

    So Walker "was beaten or had to hold on every play," yet Harrison didn't even get credit for a QB hurry and Walker only got 1 holding penalty, despite facing the best defensive player in the league? Doesn't wash. And Walker started the follow weekend's game, the last pre-season game, against the Lions.


    From all accounts, Walker's mouth is what got him out of Buffalo. And I'd still have taken him well before Bell.

  11. T.O. led the league at one point in time last season for dropped passes,(some bouncing off his fat head) the guy wouldn't deviate from his pass patterns to track down or break up badly thrown footballs. T.O. was also bad for team chemistry in my opinion and all things considered, T.O.'s talent we can do without don't you think. We might be able to get a pretty decent FA, LT for 5 Million a year. (wishful thinking)


    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Marcus Easley will have more production in his Rookie season then T.O. did as a seasoned veteran last year for the Buffalo Bills.

    Would you care to make a bet on that one? I'll be impressed if Easley can even just duplicate Evans' 44 catches for 612 yards.

  12. Just to put this in perspective, Revis is due to earn $20 million in GUARANTEED money in 2011 and 2012. All he has to do is not hold out, and he gets that money.




    If he blows out his knee, and can never play again... he gets:


    1. more than $20 million from the Jets

    2. A pension from the NFLPA, and more money because his career ended because of an injury.

    3. His career is almost certainly insured, and he will receive a lump sum if he can no longer play.



    Shut up and play, Mr. Revis.

    Yep, reportedly Revis won't holdout because he doesn't want to jeopardize that future guaranteed money.

  13. Trent handled things terribly last year, but try to appreciate what went down. First, they traded their pro bowl LT. Then instead of coming up with a legit plan b they pretended 375 lb L Walker could match up with 3-4 ROLBs. After reviewing the Pitt film where Walker held or got beat by James Harrison every play, they benched and then cut him. Then they insert a first time O coordinator and eliminate QB position coach. Then, butler goes down and instead of getting a legit RT like Runyan they grab someone off of a practice squad. Did I mention that rookie guards were brutal to start the season?


    I really have to empathize with someone who quit in that situation. Don't condone it but when I'm at home saying WTF as a fan, I can only imagine what starting qb is thinking.

    Huh? Never mind that James Harrison is an all-pro who was just coming off NFL Defensive player of the year honors and has had 26 sacks in his last 31 games, he had no sacks or even QB pressures in that game, 2 tackles, and Walker had 1 offensive holding penalty, that was declined because Trent threw a pick-six.

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