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Everything posted by Doc

  1. And wasted more money delaying the inevitable, which this corrupt and incompetent Admin is finally starting to realize. When it could and should have been done last year...
  2. I'd go dictator and lock her up on day 1 for election interference...
  3. Yup and anyone with a brain or who isn't a commie knows this. They just want the votes to further destroy the country.
  4. Yes I'm sure he got vaccinated against the strain he contracted... This will be just like the flu vaccines.
  5. Then why is his approval rating at a historical low? It's not because of his age...
  6. He'll be fired at the end of the season. There's no excuse to make for keeping him.
  7. They always talk a good game. To paraphrase Mike Tyson "everyone's got a belief, 'til they get punched in the mouf."
  8. Stupid people doing and believing stupid things.
  9. No because a) you're a nobody and b) you weren't even here when most of them left.
  10. Looks like Jones, Epenesa and Elam.
  11. Nope, still (just) here. Was invited to and checked-out the other board but this is where I started and where I'll stay. And they left because of issues with Scott (SDS). They had been brewing for years. As for my relative lack of posting, been dealing with an end-of-life MIL who just recently passed.
  12. They're all but assured of making the playoffs.
  13. I only remember it because it marred an otherwise good Thanksgiving.
  14. Just a correction, he went down during the Thanksgiving game against the Lions.
  15. His number wasn't up yet.
  16. Like children, they scream and cry and throw a tantrum if they don't get their way. The worst part is the erstwhile parents are children themselves.
  17. Amazing how the "party of tolerance" has been showing themselves to be anything but...
  18. These clowns are hoping they come here and vote Democrat. That's all they care about, not the massive burden on the country it is/will continue to be.
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