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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Same with those who quietly support Trump and won't admit it in the polls that are very bad for Biden. Again no one wants Kammy as President and everyone knows she'll be taking over right after the election.
  2. Did you see what happened to those cities during the Summer of 2020? The "mostly peaceful protests" with fires raging behind reporters, stores being looted and people being injured or killed? Billions of dollars in damage. That's what I mean by "destroyed," John.
  3. He won't win. No one wants Kammy as President.
  4. So is the Capitol. In fact it's even more secure than its ever been. Can't say the same about those cities...
  5. No, they just destroyed cities for months on end, leading to far worse consequences for the country than the afternoon of stupidity. This. To pay homage to Chi, a "will someone not rid me..." tactic.
  6. Considering the dreck they've been putting out lately...
  7. If that helps you sleep at night, go with it. While watching the country go down the tubes with the terrible policies they espouse.
  8. What ruling? What dictatorial things are you thinking he's going to do (that he didn't do the first time)? Dems are always saying that Trump/Repubs will end democracy. Again he specifically said "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." That sentence didn't make it into his speech by accident.
  9. To believe that Acosta made the decision without instructions from higher up is funny. But it fits their narrative, so...
  10. Or we should read into his words things that aren't there because allegedly he's a criminal, correct? Sorry but Dems lost their moral high ground when they made Slick a Saint and had him stumping for Hilly. And despite all your protestations, Joke's as corrupt as they come being a half-century career Congresscritter.
  11. That's one way to get rid of him…
  12. could be a transgender female. Problem solved.
  13. Take it up with those who named it. It’s not as if there haven’t been misnamed Acts before…like the inflation reduction act.
  14. I had to look it up. To which "classic" are you referring? But to counter, as my mother used to say "if your friends (told you to) jump off a bridge..."
  15. Answer me this: did Trump tell anyone to break into the Capitol? It's a simple yes or no even you can answer.
  16. If there's nothing to set off the IDF, they should be fine.
  17. It's there ideally to prevent impending civil disorder and certainly there to put it down if it occurs. But again civil disorder doesn't equal insurrection.
  18. "Allowed"? How? He wasn't responsible for the criminal lack of security that day and he told the protestors to "peacefully and patriotically make [their] voices heard." Obviously they didn't listen. Not once did he say or even insinuate anything about entering the Capitol, and without the Capitol being breached, this is a non-event. As for the gallows, if you've seen it, there's a sign on it that says "this is art" and in no way could that have hanged even Kathy Griffin. Was it in poor taste? Absolutely, but I've never excused any actions like that or breaking into the Capitol.
  19. Of course you don't. You're a brainless drone and that's just how they like you.
  20. It's because he's more responsible for the stupidity on J6 than Trump. And they can't have that now, can they?
  21. At the least Slick. And by extension Hilly. Remember she was their darling just a few years ago...
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