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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Sounds like a nice trip...if you don't want to actually go to the game. RoboCop.
  2. Glad there was no ligament damage. All systems should be go for 2024.
  3. Interesting that IS would take responsibility and not keep quiet and let Iran think it was the US and/or Israel.
  4. Right. Dems want illegals because they want to give them citizenship and hoping they are grateful and vote Dem. That and allegedly needing them to pick fruit...
  5. Rioters broke into the Capitol somewhere around 2:11-2:16 PM. Trump tweeted at 2:38: "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" Then again at 3:13 he tweeted: "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" So much for watching for 3 hours.
  6. He's also got the record for consecutive 40+ TD seasons.
  7. Even if the game had remained at 1 PM, the high is predicted to be 74.
  8. Instead it will be more days of being sodomized and tossing salad...
  9. I was going to post this. It was on the first drive. I was pissed.
  10. Speaking of Josh murdering them, in 12 games against the Dols, Josh is 10-2 (assists by Charles Clay and a short week in hot temps for the losses) and has 39 TDs and 11 turnovers.
  11. I hope he uses the black and red background again. That was a nice touch...
  12. You're quoting Hamas. That makes you a terrorist supporter.
  13. They need to publicly out those who are supplying the money for these illegals, many who don't have 2 pennies to rub together, to make the long and expensive trek. Coyotes don't work for free.
  14. I can see Dols fans being despondent and selling their tix. At 8:15 PM?
  15. Does it surprise you? Then they try to hide behind "he's not running for President (duh, because he can't)," despite the fact that Hilly knew all about his exploits and still had him campaigning for her. Not to mention they'd line up to vote for her again.
  16. Why do you support terrorists?
  17. Let me make it simple for you. What unconstitutional thing did he continue doing despite SCOTUS' ruling the first time? I heard you morons talking about how he'd be a dictator and start WWIII prior to 2017 so that stuff is old. Would he, say, allow an invasion by illegals under the guise of "immunity"? How about continuing to foist student loan forgiveness? And no, Trump didn't watch for 3 hours before intervening. He tweeted something soon after and it was deleted. Not that anyone was listening to him at that point anyway.
  18. Yeah, the guy who showered with his daughter and was a known lech as a Senator. Good times.
  19. You gave no specific example, just a vague "what if he does this?!!!!!!!" It's more of the same bull#### we heard prior to 2017. Because of what happened on J6 obviously, thanks to the the pathetic lack of security provided that day despite advanced warning.
  20. No one wants Kammy. Yeah because TDS is real and scary.
  21. So were your heroes Slick and Hilly. And Slick was actually on Pedo Island and Hilly surely knew about it. They incited riots, er, "mostly peaceful protests" during the Summer of 2020. No consequences there.
  22. He's lucky he's not dead.
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