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Everything posted by Doc

  1. And then when it happens, they'll talk about how we need election law reform, but do absolutely nothing about it.
  2. Thought so. The Dems were lying about this.
  3. It was a question in response to someone saying Miami's best OL is out (referring to their center).
  4. His best play was kicking Josh in the sack.
  5. I was going off OSU's NFL QB history and Stroud's terrible S2. So much for that being a predictor. As for Fields, the Bears are in a tough spot. IMHO they should draft a QB with their 1st overall and have him sit behind Fields, to see if Fields can improve in 2024 and look to trade him if he does.
  6. Was there any explanation at all given as to why she left the Capitol that morning? Or if anyone was disciplined for the stunning incompetence in not noticing the "pipe bombs"?
  7. Much less people who were just attending the riots and doing nothing, unlike those who entered the Capitol through open doors and just milled-around peacefully.
  8. No because of course it does. You said "We don't have a Mexico border." OK, now that we have that settled, and...?
  9. What are you talking about? Do you own a map? And yeah, there's a crisis at the border. You just don't care because potentially more voters will vote your way.
  10. They don't invade through California because there's no one coming from the West. They're mostly coming from South and Central America and Mexico and the cartels are setup for it. Why would they go 500 miles to the West? And no the primary reason we don't want illegals invading the country is because we don't know anything about them and they're a burden when we can't even feed, house and clothe the people we already have here. If your whole reason for supporting them invading is "well, my side will get more votes," that's a ***** reason. And don't make me laugh about Joke offering any money to fix the problem. He's doing the opposite.
  11. They didn't count the playoff game. He's 10-2 against them.
  12. Bills Mafia Rochester showed a tweet or email to a Dols fan named "Danny" saying his 2024 season tickets were cancelled, ostensibly for selling his tickets to a Bills fan.
  13. If he's counting on a diminished Bills' defense, he's in for a rude awakening. Daquon is back, Douglas has replaced White and Bernard and Dodson have been playing very well. He should be more worried about how his offense is diminished with the loss of Waddle, Mostert and their starting center, and with Hill limited. As for the Bills on offense, Josh always comes to play against Miami. He averages 3.25 TDs and 0.92 turnovers against them.
  14. Should be illegal touching by the player.
  15. Not to mention most defensive coordinators know each other and sometimes share information.
  16. Why would he give Harbaugh tips? Harbaugh was just a special teams coach.
  17. The tells Queen was talking about. I was mostly being facetious. After the Miami game McD said that all Miami's machinations were eye candy so he must have figured-out the tells himself.
  18. Yup. They're looking to implement it locally and then move it up the chain.
  19. Remember the early reports of HCQ deaths, with people taking mega doses of it or drinking fish cleaner that contained it? I'd also like to know if people had Wuhan virus and could have died from that and HCQ was incidental, like all those people who were said to have died from Wuhan virus but died from something else and were Wuhan virus positive.
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