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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    Game Balls

    I looked at the first INT again and when Josh throws the ball, Davis is moving to the outside but he then cuts inside. I can't fault Josh on that one.
  2. The jig will be up...
  3. Neither is close to Josh. If the Bears keep Fields, they're just spinning their wheels.
  4. Doc

    Game Balls

    Who was at fault for the first INT? Davis or Josh?
  5. Sorry, doesn't work that way. But confirms that Burisma was under investigation by Shokin and Joke fired him because of it, not because he was "corrupt," since he was never charged with, much less convicted of, corruption.
  6. I liked Dahlin noticing Jarry leaving the net and shooting the puck, causing Jarry to have to dive to vainly try and make a save. Never seen that before.
  7. She was a long-gone poster. Her named is now used as a sub for "no more."
  8. Huh? You're saying the Bills will lose/rest their starters tonight?
  9. Again telling people to "peacefully and patriotically..." at the rally and then tweeting to be peaceful tells me no one was listening to him and he's not responsible.
  10. Well 4 PM is kind of late. Again there was a tweet around 1:12 PM and then 2:38 (26 minutes after the Capitol was breached) where he said to be peaceful.
  11. Yup. Like Bud Light found out, never let anyone know how useless/replaceable you truly are.
  12. It's "not a crisis" because Dems want more voters. Who will only continue destroying the country.
  13. No firearms, much less nukes and F-16s and morons believe the government almost fell that day. The stupid is strong in many...
  14. When was that posted? Again not that it matters because they weren't listening to him anyway.
  15. Joke's one of the biggest liars in American history. Fifty plus years as a Congresscritter will do that...
  16. And then when it happens, they'll talk about how we need election law reform, but do absolutely nothing about it.
  17. Thought so. The Dems were lying about this.
  18. It was a question in response to someone saying Miami's best OL is out (referring to their center).
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