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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Gonna be interesting to see what the Dols do with Tua. He's got the 5th year tender at $23M for next year, but do they give him $50M/year or wait out the season and possibly see it rise even further?
  2. You mean since Hamas showed to be the ruthless monsters who couldn't give a ***** about Palestinians? Yeah, now they control the land.
  3. Sorry but there is no proof their/anyone else's intention was for them to break into the Capitol, otherwise we would have heard about it sometime within the last 3 years. On the contrary, the one guy actually caught on video saying the Capitol needed to be broken into got the most lenient sentence of anyone arrested for being there, and Adam Kinzinger even said that telling people to break into the Capitol isn't a crime. And without the Capitol being breached, this whole this is nothing more than your standard "mostly peaceful protest" a la the Summer of 2020. If the plan had been to break into the Capitol, they (meaning most, not just one or two) would have brought firearms at least. Obviously I was being facetious with the F-16s and nukes, because that's what Joke said would be needed to overthrow the government. But then OTOH he/they have you believing a bunch of unarmed morons milling around the Capitol for a few hours was enough to do it. If that's what you think the defense is...
  4. That's obviously not the case now, is it?
  5. The "from the river to the sea" chant? Is sure does, sparky.
  6. Soon to be the victim of a botched robbery...
  7. Only going to do something because it's hurting his polling. What a POS.
  8. I wear a Superman shirt to the gym. It doesn't mean I can/intend to bench 500#. For the millionth time, I'm not defending their actions. What I'm saying is that there was no coup/insurrection or even intent because they didn't even bring firearms to the Capitol, much less F-16s and nukes like it would take to overthrown a government and they left on their own before dinner time.
  9. That defines Joke's Presidency.
  10. Doc

    Game Balls

    He didn't throw blindly: he threw it to where Davis was, thinking he'd stay that direction. Again in that situation Davis doesn't have all the time in the world to get fancy with his route running. And no Josh isn't infallible and I'll call him out when he deserves it, like in the first Jets game. But going forward I hope Josh doesn't throw to Davis under duress because it seems to go wrong more than right.
  11. Sure, just like the first time. He was going to be a dictator and start WWIII.
  12. You are fine with Joke doing it..
  13. You would think that wouldn't need to be said. But if you believe the popular vote in 2020, there are a lot of dumb people...
  14. Except they didn't. They TCoB.
  15. He's just planning on doing whatJoke did on day one with all his EOs.
  16. You can still murder someone without a gun. You however cannot stage a coup without F-16s and nukes, much less firearms of any sort.
  17. Beane saved the season with his trades and acquisitions.
  18. Doc

    Game Balls

    I recorded the game and watched the play 5 times. Josh threw the ball to where Davis was going but then Davis decided to cut-in when he should have realized there was an all-out blitz and he didn't have time to get cute. There's a reason why Apple was where he was, i.e. because he was shadowing Davis (until Davis made his cut).
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