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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Gotta protect the guy more responsible for people breaking into the Capitol than Trump...
  2. Doc

    Do You BitCoin?

    I know I gave you ***** earlier but I bought it when you recommended it and it's up over 1X for me right now. Thanks!
  3. Just trying to exert economic pressure (having to pay lawyers) to get them to stop bussing illegals.
  4. Because some guys are just better coordinators than HCs. And Frazier's done in Buffalo. To me it's either him or promote from within. But as I said, if he wanted to promote from within, he would have done it before the season instead of taking on the added role of DC.
  5. Why are we publicly supporting Harvard when their endowment is $50B?
  6. It was also Captain Kirk's middle name...
  7. That Wray could not say there were no Federal agents in the crowd proves there were some, and probably many. There is no reason to hide it if there were none.
  8. I love hearing the libs here defend Epps. It tells me everything I need to know.
  9. There were a handful of people who had firearms. None of them brandished them. It's a non-point brought up to create a false narrative and a gotcha a la "ha, there were (FIVE WHOLE) people with guns that day (even though they never used them)!" Yes I agree the vast majority went to the Capitol because they expected Trump to go and planned on protesting peacefully and patriotically, but as usual there are always some who go there with bad intent. All it takes is a nobody or two to a) talk about breaking into the Capitol and b) actually break into the Capitol (was the first person to start breaking in a "somebody"?). But there was no real coordination and the FBI said as much. About the only coordinated group was the OK, and if they truly thought Trump was going to institute martial law and that's when they'd bring out the guns, I stand corrected and they were indeed stupid. But several of them paid a price for what they did and never even got close to overthrowing the government. And again, the point with Epps that you continually ignore, is that he's the only one who said to break into the Capitol. Trump never did. And again without the Capitol being breached, this is just a "mostly peaceful protest" outside the Capitol. It doesn't matter if he's a nobody just as it doesn't matter that all the people jailed are nobodies. In any case, Google "January 6th wasn't an insurrection" and read what is written there for more detail. Oh, the hypocrisy! I say the same thing about you guys. And your guy is senile to boot.
  10. Speaking of the 2nd INT, was there any explanation given as to why they didn't attempt what would have been a 52-yard FG?
  11. Hurt feelings can be overcome. See Lawson and Fournette.
  12. If the DB were smart, he would have knocked-it-down and the Dols would have gotten the ball at the 35 instead of the 20. And it would have gone down as just an incomplete pass and not an (😱) INT! Josh threw the ball to where Gabe was at that moment. But Gabe decided to improvise when there wasn't time to do so.
  13. That's more on the player/agent/GM than Rivera. And probably water under the bridge since McKissic turned out to be a bum.
  14. It will be Riverboat Ron as DC next year. Book it! As for Daboll, maybe we're seeing who was the real culprit between he and McD?
  15. I pity you guys. Trump really broke your feeble brains. It must suck going through life looking for Trump under your bed or in your closet every night. Do you sleep with the light on? LOL!
  16. No, what I'm saying is that if people don't even bring weapons to try and overthrow a government...it tells me they never planned on trying it because it's pointless and futile. It wasn't a matter of "stupidity." Hell the Oath Keepers actually brought firearms to DC...but left them in their hotel rooms. You think they just forgot to bring them to the Capitol? You think people went to the Capitol that day saying "I'm going to break into the Capitol, mill around for a few hours and hope that will get them not to certify the election...and then I'll be home for din-din"? LOL if you do. But like you like to say, prove intent. Good luck with that. As for Epps, the point is that here is a guy who is caught on video telling people to break into the Capitol and is there when the violence erupts...and he's given a pass for years until they're finally forced to give him a slap on the wrist for the sake of optics. Again if the Capitol hadn't been breached this "insurrection/coup" talk never happens and he is the only one for which we have proof of intent. Again, inconvenient for you all.
  17. So enlighten me (I'm watching the NCG and it's boring). What in what you quoted was the result of "brain rot"?
  18. You've lost all touch with reality if you think that mob had any chance of overthrowing the government. Or you're just really simple.
  19. The only think I'm defending them from is baseless accusations (of insurrection, planning a coup). I'm not defending those who assaulted police officers, broke into the Capitol (not those who were let in) or destroyed property. No there is nothing to prove what you're saying...except for Ray Epps. But he's inconvenient for you all.
  20. It should tell you something that even your Muslim brothers want nothing to do with you...
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