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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Kid doesn't know it's "N"FL? Lame. Just kidding. Congrats.
  2. If there had been proper "good old law enforcement," J6 would never have happened.
  3. He's still working on California...
  4. Doc

    Do You BitCoin?

    Spot BTC ETFs just got approved.
  5. I remember a guy back in the 80s named Mark Kostabi. He would pay artists something like $10/hour to paint, sign his name and then sell them for tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Then he was exposed and they were worthless.
  6. Like they say, there's no accounting or taste. Or ulterior motives.
  7. I don't have one, but if I did, yeah it would mean something, but that's only because it's personal. It doesn't mean it's the truth, though. I mean we just spent the last 1-1/2 years following the case of a former Bills draft pick who was accused of SR and gang rape, and the girl had to recant her story because it was all lies. And no one else came forward to claim he raped them as minors.
  8. Same with California. From where people are fleeing, to go to Florida.
  9. When I'm talking with a surgeon and my mom calls, I always put her on speakerphone...
  10. So this is speculation? That whole 2+2-5 thing? What do you think Slick knew? Or Hilly? They hung out with Epstein until the bitter end. And she was (and still is to many) your hero.
  11. No I meant Trump being the one to tip them off about underage girls at Epstein's residence. As for the girl, again, sketchy at best and she's the only one. Pedos don't just stop at one.
  12. Anyone can make an accusation. And then withdraw claiming something else. Are you telling me that all the girl alleged pedo Trump raped never came forward because they were worried about being murdered? Even after women started coming out against like, like EJC? For a second I forgot who I was asking. From where did you pull that one?
  13. Joke lies all the time. It's what they do. Sure that was the reason. Again one accusation, when women have had no problem coming out against him in the past 8 years, means nothing.
  14. No need to be curious. There is no proof he did. Until there is... You'd think that if Trump were a pedo, there would be more than one woman (who recanted her story) claiming he raped her. No, not a fan of him going backstage. But Joke showered with his daughter. Does that bother you?
  15. They don't care that Trump ended his relationship with Epstein decades ago, meanwhile radio silence on Slick and Hilly still being friends with him until the bitter end.
  16. Stack the box and make Mason Rudolph beat you with his arm.
  17. My definition of stupidity (not insanity, since it implies you have no control) is doing the same thing over and over (like voting blue in one state, ***** it up and then moving to a red state and voting blue...) and expecting different results.
  18. And in other news, water is wet...
  19. There was allegedly tension when he was with the Bills. What's the common denominator?
  20. he's a nerd and is trying to act cool by swearing. For the same reason he's posting it.
  21. Gabe shouldn't have been extending his route when it was Cover 0 and there was no time for it. He should have kept going outside and at worst it should have been an incomplete pass. Agree on the targeting and again they missed/ignored DPI on Knox just before the first INT. And I forgot about Davis tripping on the 2nd INT, but yeah the INT there was better than an incomplete pass, and if it had just been an incomplete pass, no one would be freaking out about a 2nd INT.
  22. McD can't promote Babich while Washington is AHC. That's why I think it's either Washington or Rivera for DC and Rivera is an easier sell to Washington as to why he didn't get promoted.
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