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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Is that what the left's talking point is now? "Parroting Putin"?
  2. After thinking about it, I know why they haven't gone after them: because they know it wasn't serious. That thing couldn't hang a dwarf, much less a full-grown person. And it says "this is art" right on it. Now the "pipe bomber" is a different story. Kammy going to DNC HQ for no reason whatsoever is suspicious enough, but them not noticing there was a "pipe bomb" in their sweep of the premises? And then not being able to find the "bomber" despite knowing their license plate number?
  3. "We're going to save Democracy by taking a candidate off the ballot...because we think he's going to destroy Democracy if he gets elected!" And the idiots eat it up...
  4. Those are "Russian talking points"? It's pretty clear that it's a proxy war with Russia.
  5. LOL! BSTime talking about others not thinking.
  6. At that size and with that construction, they'd have been better-served asking Pence to hang himself...
  7. I know. I'm asking for receipts which Chi will inevitably be unable to produce.
  8. Daboll likely has a ton of input into the personnel decisions. He also probably lobbied hard to give that stupid contract to Jones. And since Jones' $35.5M salary is fully guaranteed, he's not going anywhere. But the worst part is that the best QB prospects, and there aren't a ton to begin with, will be gone within the first 3 picks. Unless they get lucky and find a gem. The problem is that Daboll got the job largely because of the part people thought he had in making Josh a great QB and thought he could do the same with Jones. But Jones was always going to be what he had already shown and sticking with him, much less giving him that deal, was dumb. And developing Jones, or the lack thereof, is on Daboll. He certainly helped Josh but the main reason Josh is great is because of Josh and the work he put in to better his throwing mechanics.
  9. Yup. Look where Dorsey is now. The first year in Jersey was promising. But unlike the Bills in McD's 2nd year, they didn't have a rookie QB and almost $80M in dead cap, and in fact had $40 in cap room to make the roster better. They didn't and Jones regressed from what was his best, although still not a very good, season.
  10. No I meant in the US. The way you are talking, it sounds like you're an immigrant who arrived after your teenage years and is just noticing how things are.
  11. Good point on the exact verbiage "storm" being used by Epps and then every major news outlet. It's like those montages of liberal news outlets coordinating what they say.
  12. You mean beyond how easy it is for them to manipulate you?
  13. They've all been arrested and will in holding cells for years awaiting trial and then sentenced for years in prison, right? Right?
  14. Daboll was made by Josh. He'll be fired midway through next season.
  15. With my plan they won't be "stuck" as they'll have the ability to jettison him after each season. "Stuck" is giving him a 5-year $250M deal with $150M guaranteed. The way the offense fizzled this last month and their inability to beat winning teams either points to a problem with Tua or McDaniel's system.
  16. I’m pretty sure that’s what they said. I looked it up. He had 27 and Josh had 57.
  17. During the game did they say that Mahomes led the NFL in quarterback scrambles for first downs?
  18. I find it funny that they were hyping up Flacco for the number of yards he put up in five games, totally ignoring that he had nine turnovers. And another 2 huge ones today.
  19. They're gonna tape McDaniel to the FG post.
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