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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    He hasn't gotten a chance because the news of him being dropped from the civil trial occurred in mid-December and teams are loathe to make a punter change that late considering they also hold for kicks. However with the Bills it's different since Araiza has held for Bass. And again, I doubt many people are going to picket or boycott over a case that was proven to be wholly without merit. If they do, you just point them to the facts of the case. My son said the hold was (also) terrible. It's absurd to think that in California they mature a year later than 80% of the country. And context matters. If he, say, went to her HS and picked-her-up, it's far different than the facts that she chose to a) go to a college party, b) portray herself as of legal age and c) demand sex. Saying "well, she's a minor and therefore isn't responsible for her actions" is a cop out.
  2. The above is the late hit. It's called 100% of the time.
  3. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    The court of public opinion already had their way with him and were proven wrong. Virtually no one (there's always a few in every crowd) is going to picket or boycott games just because Araiza is on the team.
  4. They're sunk and desperate. Michelle isn't a serious candidate.
  5. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    Who cares? Opinions are like... There was actually no allegation of gang rape. And despite admitting to having sex with a girl who was 17, he avoided charges because she portrayed herself as being legal. It's a non-story now.
  6. So that's where he hid it. As if everyone, even the braindead libs here, didn't know it was idiot boy's coke.
  7. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    There were never any charges. Just accusations.
  8. I'm sure NGS has him clocked. I remember after the Vikings game his rookie year, he was clocked as one of the 15 fastest times that Sunday...along with WRs, DBs and RBs.
  9. Should have had a free shovel giveaway...
  10. A 6'5" 240# guy. Not so easy to stop.
  11. More like he Pete Butitgieged himself. Should lead to a nice cabinet position with Don...
  12. Or Sec of Trans. Petey showed anyone could get that job...but doing a good job is an entirely different story.
  13. Good, let Europe take care of it. I think that's fine with all of us.
  14. We are witnessing the most corrupt, inept and wimpy Admin in modern history. It's no wonder the World is falling apart.
  15. Not even a question it was a penalty.
  16. Doc

    Matt Araiza

    And any punter that has played meaningful games this year got cut for being bad.
  17. I’ll bet good money Travis also retires.
  18. She said the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate... (I hate myself for knowing that)
  19. Now what Mahomes did was a fake slide. Oh, the hypocrisy!
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