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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Looks like no one missed anyone who wasn't getting promoted. Just like no one missed the SecDef...
  2. ...by the Dems for "we want out Ukrainian kickback money or no secure border!"
  3. Drop the charges. :LOL: This corrupt and inept woman should never have brought the case in the first place. She's too entrenched to drop it now and the "it's all racism!!!!!" is proof she won't.
  4. If it's true she's getting bankrolled by a Dem...
  5. Again, congrats to the Jackson Women's Health Organization for giving RvW the opportunity to be overturned.
  6. These braindead morons refuse to accept the reality that their heroes are just as corrupt as the guys they rail against. It's the only way they can sleep at night, assuming they've checked under the bed for Trump...
  7. Just giving children a reason to act out their fantasies. Again I told you all about the kids in a local school who identified as cats and had litter boxes installed for them.
  8. Of course not. The partisan stupidity is strong in that one.
  9. I can understand why McDaniel talked about the weather like that but he is just not a HC. He's too young and awkward. That will wear thin quickly.
  10. Really doesn't matter. None of that explains why he didn't invade under Trump.
  11. Add another couple fake scandals on the barbie...
  12. Putin wouldn't have invaded if Trump had still been President. And you know it.
  13. Who is the genius that decided it would be good for that moron to campaign? Should have still kept her in the basement.
  14. The Dems should try indicting DeSantis. Maybe then his poll numbers will rise...
  15. The left is batschitt crazy so...to the right of that.
  16. It's called TDS and it's been going on for years.
  17. But wait, the resident idiot here said it was Russian disinfo c/o Giuliani.
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