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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Joke won't live through Joke getting re-elected...
  2. Yeah, the US has all it needs for decades.
  3. That has to be a joke. And that people have to be cowed into allowing it is pathetic.
  4. Then it gets turned back on them when people ask "why do we need to tie this to anything else, like aid for Ukraine"?
  5. Yup. The Jackson Women's Healthy Organization opened-up RvW to be overturned. Now some states have even more restrictive laws than 15 weeks. But hey, if it gets women to vote Dem...
  6. Forget being able to find the "assassin." Obviously they are clairvoyant, knowing she'd be at the DNC instead of at the Capitol where she had no reason not to be...
  7. So a bunch of Dems voted for Haley in NH? Interesting...
  8. He should do it. Might as well sink his approval rating on illegal immigration to zero...
  9. Except that when Joke's brain finally turns to mush...you get Kammy. No one wants that. And the Ronna McDaniel claim is dumb. Just the sort of thing they always fall for.
  10. That's why a Dem billionaire is bankrolling Haley.
  11. My definition of stupidity...
  12. Up...to...birth. Thanks for finally admitting it, lefties.
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