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Everything posted by Doc

  1. When people don't do their jobs and people die as a result, yeah I can get surly.
  2. Yeah I know why you're truly mad. It has nothing to do with "desecration and lies." That's just a convenient excuse.
  3. The pay is known before taking the job. If you take the job, you accept the pay. If you take the job, do the job. These guys should be brought up on charges for negligence at least.
  4. See below: They invited all 3. Only one showed. If you want to call it a photo op, go ahead. We know the real reason you're all mad. And you don't know what the definition of "non sequitur" is.
  5. They had inspectors every day? So payoffs it was, then...
  6. I've found that when people complain about "whataboutism," it's only because their hypocrisy is being exposed. And when you name yourself "Menace to Republicans," it pretty much gives away the game.
  7. I guess he doesn't care that Biden also dodged the draft and caused 13 soldiers to be put in body bags. But hey, a wholly uncorroborated statement is all he needs...
  8. The answer is "yes" to both. I mean, you don't need Fox to tell you that...
  9. The regime/media doesn't hold the sway it once did. And they've destroyed what little credibility they once had lying about Biden. And like with Biden, people have seen how bad Harris is when she speaks and they'll be reminded of it during the debate. I mean, there's a reason she wants mikes open the whole time and notes.
  10. He's the best HC they've had in awhile. The problem for them is they're paying a ton of money for 3 players, all on offense. And with the new emphasis on illegal motion, it will affect the offense.
  11. No Brooks, but Mark Brunell.
  12. Rodgers about 5 years ago would have been a slam dunk for them. Now...not so much. Older, more broken down and checked-out.
  13. Look up "Nixon" and "price controls."
  14. The 2nd sentence is hilarious considering the first sentence.
  15. Same difference. It's been tried in the US before with disastrous results.
  16. This is dumb, even for you. Congrats. Price controls.
  17. I have no doubt she seemed fine to you. Like Biden "seemed fine" to you *(guys)...until he didn't. And why do you think they didn't ask her about any policy? Oversight or request from her camp?
  18. We had this discussion almost verbatim before the Trump-Biden debate. Like that one, they won't be able to hide what she'll show just like they couldn't (anymore) with Biden.
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