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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Like I said, that report that Trump told Ronna to make him the presumptive nominee was BS and something the left always fall for.
  2. Not really. They don't care because they know they have black people in the bag. At least they did. And the cycle likely won't be over until the border gets secured. This isn't an issue that's going away. And Joke won't be applauding Texas while they're defying his corrupt Admin.
  3. Yup. With even Dem mayors crying about the invasion of illegals, there's no need to work for a compromise tied to money for Ukraine. Ukraine has no bearing at all on what's happening at the Southern border. In fact we need to keep more money to take care of the illegals, estimated to cost $150B annually and sure to rise.
  4. They told illegals to come and they'd be allowed in once Joke became President. They were counting on no one noticing/caring because they flew illegals all over the country under cover of darkness. But once DeSantis and Abbott started sending them to blue states/cities (called a "stunt" initially) and it started to take a toll on them, the problem began to get everyone's attention. To the point that polls began to reflect it, and it's only then that they decided they needed to at least pay lip service to it. But as you can see by their actions in Texas, they still won't do anything about it. The purpose was to increase Dem voters. If you've noticed, many cities are trying to allow illegals to vote. But what they want is to eventually grant citizenship to them. For you, no, it's not.
  5. Don't waste your time on that moron. It's talking about the $3T stimulus passed because of Wuhan virus. You know, the virus that Joke handled even worse than Trump despite vaccines and treatments not available under Trump, but who sped-along (at least vaccines) their development.
  6. Kick returns are more about luck than anything else. Otherwise they'd be common occurrences.
  7. Probably stuff talking about wedding plans and grandkids...
  8. They can improve their own countries. Their elected leaders choose not to do so.
  9. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." And would you say that securing the border would cost more than, say, $150B annually?
  10. More Dem voters. What is your theory? More people to do menial jobs? I can't speak to whom the "hostages" refer. As I've been saying, J6 was an embarrassment and never should have happened and certain people deserved to be charged, but it wasn't an "insurrection," planned or otherwise and people who did nothing other than enter into open doors at the Capitol shouldn't be punished.
  11. The only reason anyone calls J6 a "mostly peaceful protest" is to clown those who used that phrase to describe the far more destructive riots during the Summer of 2020. And ask the "sanctuary cities" who are now crying because they can't support all the illegals being sent there whether it's an invasion.
  12. The Dems are losing on messaging because people know securing the border is what we should be doing, period. There is no need to compromise on anything else.
  13. No need to make the decision quickly but he better be gone.
  14. You compromise when you don't want to do something. Dems obviously don't want to close the border to illegals. This corrupt Admin wants every illegal they can get. It's not a matter of "too late," the barn door needs to still get shut.
  15. Yeah. And I'm sure you agreed that he would "put y'all back in chains" and that whole "binders full of women" thing, right?
  16. And who knows, there could be some vegetables and/or fruit that needs to be picked...
  17. This. And the left will just do what they do with any Repub candidate, probably saying that "she could even be worse than Trump because she's a female POC wolf-in-sheep's clothing" or something similar.
  18. If they're fine with it, then that's all there is to say about it.
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