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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Yes, it's true that both Trump and Joke are criminals and rapists. As for negotiations, there are no negotiations that need or should be done over border security. Again the Dems don't want a secure border and need to be given something to make it happen.
  2. It wouldn't surprise me if they weren't even real bombs, i.e. there was no explosive material inside the tubes. We know the $1.99 egg timer was a joke...
  3. Come on. Haven't you stayed at the Trump Hotel in Russia...
  4. Didn't they already go through this back in the 80's with the Russian teams?
  5. Still far more coherent than Joke.
  6. They're not here to think: they're here to parrot lies told to them. It's costing us $150B annually to care for illegals. You think they're providing even $150B and $1 in return?
  7. It's clear they either don't care or the talking points given to them are too powerful.
  8. I guess "Who's the Boss" residuals aren't cutting it...
  9. I agree. I'm saying they need to fix their own countries. We can't do it.
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