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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Not this stupidity again. TDS is real and debilitating.
  2. No, there won't. The issue is an anchor for Joke, which is why he's suddenly talking about it. Any "deal" will die in the House.
  3. We'll see. He hit a top speed of 22.3 MPH in a game this past season (that would be 2023, not 2016...). That would make him tied for the 3rd fastest time in the NFL in the past 6 seasons. And his exact height and whether he can run in the 4.2s is less important than the point of getting a guy with decent size and great speed.
  4. We're screwed as a country. The children, as evidence on this board, will never grow up and continue to live in a fantasy world.
  5. "Do you believe juries to be infallible?" You prove how naive, if not stupid, you are with every post you make. How you function in the world is amazing. The Dems can't control you every second of your day...
  6. Snopes has been a joke for years. They're just like all the other "fact checkers."
  7. Yeah, I hate myself. BTW my mom emigrated from India legally and she's a Democrat. She hates that people are gaining entry illegally. Everyone should.
  8. How is it worth $83M to defame a nutjob who wasn't raped and can't even specify the year she claims she was raped?
  9. Yeah. Legette is 6'3" and 227# and runs in the 4.2s.
  10. Most definitely, for a large percentage of the population.
  11. Likewise because you're all children. Grow the ***** up before it's too late.
  12. How incredibly stupid. Amazing. Zero crossings. I guess it doesn't take sending money to a corrupt country...
  13. Right. Because if anything defines this corrupt and incompetent Admin, it's "mighty."
  14. ...and yet come November, they'll still vote Dem.
  15. You're incredibly naive, if not stupid, to think Dems will not vilify any Republican. Hell they were going after Nikki...until they learned a billionaire Dem was backing her and many Dems voted for her in the NH primary...
  16. I don't think the Chefs wanted him back.
  17. Where did you read that if promoted to DC he'd have to have play-calling to prevent him from being signed as a DC elsewhere?
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