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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The most surveilled building in the world and they want(ed) us to believe they didn’t know whose it was. Not that everyone knew it couldn’t have been anyone other than a family member since they’re not screened.
  2. It’s also funny how they demand incontrovertible evidence of Joke’s criminality but are silent on the absolute lack of evidence Trump even had a sexual encounter with her.
  3. No, a tourist (somehow) brought that in just to make Joke look bad…
  4. The best is that the 10M+ illegals already in the country thanks to Joke’s policies are the Republicans’ fault because they’re not approving a deal that will let in 1.8M a year.
  5. Right. Because you know it’s has a snowball’s chance in hell of happening anytime soon…
  6. (Not that you can write a script for it, but) who needs a script for a (legal) drug like Provigil when you have cocaine...
  7. Most people do not think of rape as being sexy. Maybe a minority on the internet do but that's proof of nothing. It was an incredibly odd thing for anyone to say, much less an alleged victim of rape. And again there is no evidence it occurred and actually reasons to doubt it happened.
  8. He did? Show us the evidence. You can't and that's why it's a Banana Republic filled with idiots like you in kangaroo courts. And your "rape is sexy to true victims" is just stupid. Stop embarrassing yourself.
  9. WTF are you talking about here? Victims don't get raped because they think it's sexy. Rape may be sexy to a rapist, it should never ever be sexy to a victim. Ever. For her to actually utter those words, on live national television no less, told me that if there was an encounter with Trump, it wasn't rape. And taken with the utter lack of evidence it ever happened considering she's had to change the year she initially claimed it happened, couldn't have been wearing the coat she claimed she was wearing during it and there being no footage of them together at the store or anyone hearing her scream during it, it's clear we're living in a Banana Republic now.
  10. Yeah, during an election year, no less. Meanwhile these drugs have been around and used for decades. That's why I want to see the current Admin's clinic records. I'll bet it's no different.
  11. And yet they (still) believe a mob of unarmed people were going to takeover the government...
  12. Right. You worship Joke like we worship Trump. We just tolerate him because we didn't want Joke destroying the country.
  13. Yeah I can see Bates or Anderson taking over. The cap savings from cutting Morse is too tempting.
  14. Since someone (likely illegally) released the last Admin's WH clinic records, it only is fair to release the current Admin's records. I'm guessing that all you libs should be fine with that, right?
  15. No, there's no evidence anything sexual ever happened between them. But the "impartial" jury in the first trial somehow concluded that he "sexually abused" her.
  16. Like I said before, wait until this list gets released from Joke's Admin in 4 years. Gonna be the same stuff plus a lot of other funky stuff. BTW, how did this get leaked? I've never seen this done before.
  17. Yeah it was Combine record. Again I'll take even 4.3s.
  18. I'd explore it but I would bet Morse would retire if he were about to be traded.
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