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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Like most everything, come up with a "solution" that only makes the problem worse.
  2. Coleman is projected in some places as the 4th best WR. They will have to take him in the 1st. But they absolutely need a speed WR. Now the place that rated him 4th said he runs a 4.45 (I saw 4.57), which could change things.
  3. LMAO! The (unintentional) hilarity of this post is too much.
  4. I'm amazed Taylor is 34. She (still) acts like she's a teenager.
  5. Iran has nothing to do with Ukraine. And they are aiding Israel.
  6. None of her fans are old enough to vote...
  7. They also gave them a heads-up about the ISIS terror attack earlier this month.
  8. He also did the same thing to Tara Reade that whackjob claims Trump did to her. So we should all celebrate if Reade sues Joke after he’s out of office and wins?
  9. They don’t care. They have TDS and hate the guy so anything bad, even if there is no merit to it, is great in their eyes. Never mind the terrible precedent it sets.
  10. The most surveilled building in the world and they want(ed) us to believe they didn’t know whose it was. Not that everyone knew it couldn’t have been anyone other than a family member since they’re not screened.
  11. It’s also funny how they demand incontrovertible evidence of Joke’s criminality but are silent on the absolute lack of evidence Trump even had a sexual encounter with her.
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