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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Awesome. So nobody really cares what TayTay says.
  2. Why? Putin wasn't going to start a war with Trump in Office.
  3. Didn't Joke just recently say that he doesn't support Taiwan's independence?
  4. I like to have a seven layer burrito on gamedays...
  5. Joke withheld funds because a prosecutor was investigating his idiot son's company. Trump wanted that investigated before he gave more money to that corrupt country.
  6. But he'd have the 2nd overall pick to get the QB and groom him. Not to mention cover for several years as the team develops. Oh and $83M in cap room.
  7. I don't get the Napoleon Dynamite reference.
  8. Yup. Need to bring in a kicker and punter to compete with Bass and Martin.
  9. Now they just need a new STs coach.
  10. I'd have seriously considered the Commanders. They have the 2nd overall pick, $83M in cap room and new ownership.
  11. Allowing 1.8M illegals a year is a "solution"? LOL! No, reversing Joke's EOs on his first day as Dictator is a start, albeit still not a solution.
  12. Give it up skippy. You've convinced no one else except that other idiot BSTime.
  13. LOL! More people died under Joke than Trump. Despite there being vaccines and treatments not available under Trump.
  14. It's funny to hear Dems blame the Repubs for the border disaster. Joke's terrible policies have allowed over 10M illegals to get into the country already, but since the Repubs won't agree to a deal that allows almost 5K a day/1.8M a year to enter going forward, it's on them. Clown show.
  15. Soros hates America. And he's successfully guided the Dem party to do his bidding.
  16. Right. Here in CT BJs is the same price and it's currently $2.91.
  17. Sorry but after the Blasey-Ford and Araiza accuser cases, imma need to see actual proof of sexual abuse/rape claims. Especially when the alleged victim can't keep her story straight and has to change it multiple times and there is zero proof the encounter ever took place. And again, Joke was accused of the same thing by Tara Reade. You can't believe one and not the other, and Joke is a huge lech himself. Just ask Jon Stewart. Hell just look at the clips of him massaging peoples' wives or sniffing girls. And then there's that whole showering with his daughter thing. #believeallwomen. Except when it doesn't fit you narrative because you don't use your brain much and need to be told what to believe.
  18. This died quickly. Probably because this dates back to 2009 and you know who was President then. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787
  19. Bingo. It's like what Matt Araiza's accuser/her lawyer tried to do. But there's no ADS so...
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