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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Even 1.8M is unsustainable. Major cities are already crying poverty and they've barely received any illegals.
  2. And top Ukrainian officials will have more new expensive toys...
  3. He's a Russian asset! And/or a puppet for the climate change cult.
  4. Just stop policing black communities. I mean, that's what their leaders are basically saying.
  5. I'm surprised they haven't been "accidentally "destroyed and/or lost. If you want proof of their corruption...
  6. Like not having men favored over them? But being allowed to kill their babies is the most important issue for them?
  7. Again the latest report dates back to 2009 when the Messiah was in Office.
  8. Yeah, that will solve the problem...
  9. I'd love to see what becomes of these people after "graduation" (besides becoming Dems).
  10. There were no "facts" in EJC's case. In fact she was about as reliable as Blasey-Ford and Araiza's accuser. Those are the facts. But get an "infallible" jury and anything is possible.
  11. That's because they know deep down in their hearts that it was a false flag. The "bombs" were a joke and Kammy had no business being at the DNC HQ, especially if the FBI had done their jobs and found the "bombs" first, unless they were in on the plan for the Capitol to be "stormed" and to keep her safe from it.
  12. Good. When Joke exits office next January, expect a lawsuit against him.
  13. The above is why BSTime is one of the stupidest people you'll ever come across. It thinks that Wuhan virus only gained entry under Trump. What a ***** moron!
  14. And like those morons in NYC with that idiotic "How Many Stops" bill, they'll still pass it...
  15. Just like all the other woke movements, the grifters eventually take over and kill it. Hopefully this one dies soon.
  16. She's the perfect spokesperson and example of this Admin...
  17. Shoot these "insurrectionists." Yeah you dumbass. And they went to jail.
  18. That's an average Tuesday for Joke... My guess is after releasing the results, you'll be making excuses for why Joke did so poorly, since "he's got a stutter" can't be used...
  19. Yeah, but was he told to financial plan for anyone but himself?
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