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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The only odd take is that you believe the Bills haven't drafted a WR on Day 1 or 2 because Beane and/or McD believe that Beane has no talent for evaluating WRs. What other teams do has no bearing on what the Bills' strategy has been at WR, and in the draft in general, since Diggs arrived. Now, you can criticize their strategy. And if they don't take a WR high this year, most will do just that. But if he does, best to wait and see how that pick turns out before passing judgment on his WR evaluation skills.
  2. Again, her fans are too young to vote...
  3. Sure he's shown a talent for evaluating WR. He traded a 1st for Diggs and drafted a #2 and #3 WR in the 4th and 5th rounds. Since Diggs has been the undisputed #1 WR, they weren't going to draft a WR high but now that he's getting older, that will change. And Davis, who you like and they’ve been hoping develops into a dependable #2, would have been too expensive to keep anyway. When Davis walks, they'll have at least 2 drafted WRs: the high round pick this year and Shakir. It could even be 3 with Shorter.
  4. There was no proof he did anything to her. On the contrary, her testimony was unreliable because she couldn't remember the year and had to change it several times and she claimed she was wearing an outfit that wasn't even made then, and there was no video footage of them ever together at the store. But they don't care (in this case, while otherwise they need incontroveritble proof ) because they hate him.
  5. Depends on who he was swatting. If it was conservatives, he'll get a slap on the wrist.
  6. Great question. Obviously it wasn't because of anything Trump said or did. And why did more people die in the same period of time when Wuhan virus first hit and in the same amount of time during Joke's first year in office, when Joke allegedly corrected the wrongs of Trump's Admin and there were vaccines (which, yes, a lot of people took, but couldn't when Trump was President because they weren't available yet) and treatments?
  7. I liken it to the mob. You have to show respect to your enemies so they don't harm/kill you. But you're also not helping them either.
  8. Like I say, TDS is real, permanent and debilitating.
  9. Wasn't hard. After Barry got elected they thought we'd only have Dem Presidents and each successive one would the "the first ever..." They were sure Hilly would win and when she didn't, they eagerly believed Russian collusion to help them deal with it. Now they're trying to cover all bases. He's in with Russia, China, Nazis, hell all dictators.
  10. The bigger mystery is how could the FBI be so inept as to almost allow Kammy to meet sure death by failing to find these "bombs"? And, again, why the hell was she even at the DNC HQ that day?
  11. Mahomes has had the benefit of better coaching, if not better skill players for most of his time there. Give me Reid and Spagnuolo anyday and twice on Sundays.
  12. Hey, if it helps you to sleep at night, believe what you want.
  13. Bingo. But the problem there is that by doing so, he continues to give himself/the Dems a loss at the border in the eyes of everyone else but his voters, and that's about 70% of the country. No one believes that he has "done all he can" and everyone knows that it was his reversal of Trump's policies that led to 10M+ illegals entering under him, straining city and state budgets, and that can't magically be undone by a bad border bill.
  14. It wasn't Jones' dad who was a coach with the Bills in 2017, it was his position coach at ECU Phil McGeoghan. No doubt he convinced them to draft Jones.
  15. Yup, it's all Joke's. And the polling reflects it, which is why he's starting to talk about making deals. But they want illegals to flood the country. There is no other reason to want them in the country as they add little except for votes. And that's proven by the fact that they "need something" to close the border.
  16. Who are these random morons who get quoted so often by certain posters?
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