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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The definition of insanity...
  2. Anyone Joke supporter who talks about Trump being senile is a moron. Maher said that? LOL! He's still a dumb Dem at heart...
  3. Bad cartoon. It should say "Joe Biden is doing everything he can to make Joe look bad."
  4. Yep, no surprise our kids are getting dumber and dumber. Look who's teaching them.
  5. Yup, and they're not sending their best...
  6. You've admitted here and elsewhere that you "like" Gabe Davis. Considering he's been the #2 WR the past 2 seasons, what did you like about him? Now you're saying it wasn't a great plan? Pick a side and stick with it. What about Shakir? A pretty good #3 WR wouldn't you say? They, along with the rest of the players you listed were taken on Day 3, when the odds of hitting on a WR decrease substantially. Which was the point. There is no proof Beane "has shown no aptitude to evaluate WR talent" because he hasn't taken a WR high and in fact there is evidence to the contrary, above. Again what you're arguing about is their draft strategy, i.e. eschewing taking WRs high. And that will likely change this next draft and then we can properly assess his ability to evaluate WR talent. Not based on Day 3 draft picks or lower-tier/cheaper FAs. And yes Dorsey has something to do with it. He was fired mid-season and Brady had to adopt his offense. And in that vein, you don't need All-Pros or even Pro Bowlers at every receiving position on offense.
  7. The ticket prices are ridiculous. I think I'd be fine just going to the Sphere, hanging-out outside and listening to the Best of U2.
  8. Polish and Lithuanian? LOL! And who do you suppose there are more of in the US: Ukrainian-Americans or Jewish Americans?
  9. More like he's founded. The dumb is inherent...
  10. This. Oh and Greg Price is being facetious.
  11. Putin rules the World, according to the Dems...
  12. Putin can't even beat a corrupt country that's getting minor assistance from the rest of the World. How do you guys think Putin's going to be able to invade a NATO country that will have full backing and resources of NATO members?
  13. He's the root of their problems. Namely TDS and the bogeyman who allegedly got him election over their precious Hilly.
  14. I don't know if not drafting a WR high until now was a good move. I think they were hoping Davis would solidify the #2 spot. And they did provide Josh with a receiver (Kincaid) last draft. Also remember that they had to fire Dorsey mid-season. In any case, we'll see how good they are at drafting WRs. I fully expect one to be taken with their first pick this year.
  15. More like can't. There's no one else.
  16. If anyone over the age of 18 is a Swiftie... And I agree about Beyonce. She should have at least won one by now. And she's a smoke show to boot.
  17. Go circle jerk with other Dems about Russia. No one is listening to you guys anymore.
  18. Yup. Kammy's words were devastating. And it's interesting that black people get a pass for something that ended over 50 years ago, but people can't be skeptical of completely new vaccines (not that that "study" wasn't a hoax since they couldn't tell you the actual political affiliations of the people who died, whether they were vaccinated and whether they truly died of Wuhan virus or with it). It's an interesting take. Never mind that we were lied to about them preventing us from getting Wuhan virus, much less spreading it to grandma. I'm so glad my boys have graduated from high school and are or soon will be done with college. Although one is going to law school... But eventually I'll have to worry about by grandkids...
  19. I've got the solution: put your child in your lap. Voila! Except that idiot in next in line to POTUS, and sooner rather than later. Terrible news for the Dems. Commies want everythiing paid for by someone else.
  20. When the Congresscritters stop getting kickbacks... If Congress tries to make Americans fight in Ukraine, it will make J6 look like a picnic... Try it, Chuck.
  21. The irony being all the illegals invading the country who obviously want his as President...
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