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Everything posted by Doc

  1. That's because he pretended to be one when he ran.
  2. How about watching it and finding out? I think that's the point of what most have been saying. I guess that "overcharge," er, "reset" button ddn't work...
  3. Sorry, I'll need to see proof of this. Your memory has already proven to be suspect with the "100 dead, no wait, it was 34 with brain injuries." If you think Russia is done, what about Ukraine? I think they're now conscripting old people and women.
  4. If public schools are the "glue that holds our communities together," it explains a lot...
  5. Looks like Gis was sticking-it-out hoping John would die or relinquish his seat and she would take it.
  6. So it went from 100 dead troops to 34 with brain injuries? And they told Trump where they were going to strike and he said "OK"? Again, if that were true, it would be plastered everywhere.
  7. We're fine with your opinion, but it's certainly no fact. The only fact we can be sure of is Putin didn't invade under Trump, but did under his predecessor and successor. Typically you invade when someone is weak... First of all, Iran retaliated for the killing of Soleimani. Trump didn't "allow" anything. As for the strikes killing soldiers, show us the article. Again if it were true, it would be everywhere. And why would Israel be unhappy with Trump for absolving them of blame for killing Soleimani? And if they are, so what? They pulled-out at the last second.
  8. I think NATO is a good idea. Many locations from which to launch nukes is a pretty good deterrent. But they do need the US more than we need them and Trump knew that and that's why he threatened to pull out if they didn't pay more, which he knew they would.
  9. I'm going to laugh when women's sports are dominated by non-women. Mostly because Dem men and women were too afraid to say anything. Because it's not a cult...
  10. I know. Which is why it then inevitably changes to "well he didn't need to invade because he was doing Putin' bidding by trying to destroy NATO."
  11. No, we're saying that if they were "buddies," Putin would have definitely invaded Ukraine because Trump wouldn't have stopped it. Yeah that interview doesn't say anything remotely close to what you are claiming. Because if it did...it was be all over the news. And actually instead of throwing Israel under the bus, he took total responsibility for killing Soleimani. Everyone (including Iran and they were pissed) thought Israel was also in on it.
  12. To paraphrase Iron Mike: "Everyone's got a belief...'til they get punched in the mouf."
  13. Again you'd think the time for Putin to invade Ukraine would be when he has his "puppet" in Office who is "trying to destroy NATO."
  14. Yeah, that "stunt" turned out to be both politically and in reality brilliant.
  15. Show me this "admission." As for Putin packing his bags if Trumps wins the election, LOL! No one ever said that.
  16. Sorry but if it's stupid in reality but brilliant politically...I'm all for killing it. I don't need for political points to be won at the expense of the US.
  17. It's what they've been told to think. I've been group-texting with my colleague (Dem who claims he's now Independent) and he even said that Trump doesn't want a solution. I asked him how many illegals came into America over his 4 years, compared to now? No answer.
  18. What are you talking about? And Putin didn't invade Ukraine under Trump, but did under Barry and Joke. You think that's a coincidence? When a "Putin puppet" would have given Ukraine up without a fight?
  19. They've been told that once Russia takes over Ukraine (despite the war going on 2 years now and with token help from NATO, with no end in sight) they're going to be invading NATO countries. No, really.
  20. Thank you. Why is it America's responsibility to give them money? Europe has far more to lose.
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