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Everything posted by Doc

  1. So basically he acted criminally but shouldn't be charged because he's senile.
  2. Yeah, he has. Now you're just making a mockery of yourself.
  3. He can't be charged criminally anyway since he's a President. And by the time next year rolls around, he'll be a drooling vegetable and it would be a waste of time. But they can still impeach him. However that's unnecessary since he's doing all he can to damage himself.
  4. They were there to protest. If they were truly went there to overthrow the government, they would at least have brought firearms. Not that that would have been nearly enough to overthrow a government.
  5. KJP was pissed yesterday when Peter Doucy asked her about Joke's senility.
  6. Show me the exact part of the interview he says they told him where they were going to strike.
  7. Dems had full control of Government when Joke took over. Why didn't they do this stuff then?
  8. Because the pollls are devastating and they need to somehow make it the Repubs' fault.
  9. Al would definitely be a MAGA guy.
  10. Yeah. You'd think they'd be loving Joke, what with their stock portfolios doing great and working all those part-time jobs...
  11. Ah, so, from nowhere. Got it. Yeah, no, your brain isn't fine. Just a couple pages ago you said "100 American casualties." Now you're saying there wasn't even 1 casualty, they were brain injuries and 70% have returned to work? Again, if there was any proof that Trump knew where they were going to attack and allowed it, he would have been strung-up by now. You know it, I know it and everyone knows it. They're not "waiting" for some magical moment to whip it out.
  12. WTF are you getting "isolationism"? Is that a new Dem talking point?
  13. Making bomb threats is stupid. But the fact is that anyone who says/does anything controversial, no matter what side of the political aisle, gets them.
  14. Yup. He sucked but wanted to be paid like a starter. And the circus that followed him made him even less worth having around.
  15. How anyone can actually claim that there weren't significantly fewer illegals entering under Trump is mind-boggling. It's not even worth engaging with these people anymore.
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