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Everything posted by Doc

  1. #NeverTrump meet #AwwwhellnotoJoe.
  2. If they didn't have buyer's remorse before yesterday...
  3. Trump killed Europe's border deal? Wow! Never mind that the criminals in the US came in awhile ago, when Dems were claiming "there's no border crisis!"
  4. No one will prosecute him. They can't touch him until next year and by then it's worthless since he'll be a drooling vegetable by then. No, the Dems will just make excuses for why Joke's classified docs case isn't worse than Trump's and continue with the Trump classified docs case and prove to everyone that they're a joke.
  5. They've finally realized what we knew 3-1/2 years ago...
  6. Reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic. Stop with all the other bull#### and get back to the basics.
  7. Gives me flashbacks of my FIL... Yup. But again he's a sitting President and can't be charged, and by this time next year he won't be all there.
  8. So he was senile 3 years before being elected? Shocker. But it's not a defense. If he knew in 2017 that he had classified docs, he knew from the beginning.
  9. Yeah, maybe if she had, it could have been somewhat closer to (but still not) an "insurrection" and Byrd would have killed her in self defense instead of cold blood.
  10. So he admitted he had classified documents back in 2017, meaning he knew all along. Strike one. Then he shared them with his biographer. That's strike 2. Then on top of that he's been senile since at least 2017. Strike 3.
  11. The left goes after every little thing he does. It should tell you how much of a nothingburger this is if they're not going after him for it.
  12. Thanks. Got it now. As AlBundy said, the troops suffered concussions. Which is probably why it sailed by everyone.
  13. Sure there was a rally and sure there were crimes. No one has ever said otherwise. And if you've been paying attention, I've said from the beginning that those who committed actual crimes deserved to be punished. But that doesn't make an insurrection, either (poorly) planned or otherwise, much less Trump responsible when he never told them to get violent, much less break into the Capitol either publicly or even in private. A group of unarmed people cannot take over a (modern, first world) government.
  14. It must not be hard being told what to think and believe. Which is how they get you.
  15. I can't find the interview. You mentioned a title and website (https://www.wnd.com/2024/02/trump-revelations-bartiromo-sit/WND) that had excerpts that didn't say anything about them telling him where they were firing.
  16. Who cares what they were protesting? This is America. You can protest anything you want. And yes, robbing someone using a fire extinguisher is exactly the same as overthrowing a government. And yes, in a first world country in the modern era, you need weapons. And not just any weapons: F16s and nukes.
  17. This is even more devastating to Joke than anyone could have anticipated.
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