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Everything posted by Doc

  1. If you're still clinging to the "Joke didn't know he had classified documents" belief (again, stop talking about legalities), I question whether you ever had a brain...
  2. Yelling is not "speaking powerfully."
  3. "The DNC...is keeping...non-Trump candidates off the ballot"? That's a weird thing to say.
  4. Your feelz are duly noted. But they're opinions and you know what opinions are like...
  5. Think? He is done. The Dems have vainly tried to claim "he's fine!" and then Hur comes out and says he can't be tried in court because he's senile. Hell Paul Begala, a huge partisan hack, said he slept like a baby after reading the report: only for 2 hours at a time and wetting his bed.
  6. This thread did age well. Hur saying Joke is too senile to stand trial ends his Presidential re-election bid and the Dems have no one else. It's so bad they're floating Michelle and Oprah.
  7. I don't care who took the material and I don't need to read Hur's lame defenses for Joke. Again I'm not advocating being petty like the Dems are with Trump and charging Joke criminally. All I needed to hear was what most of us already suspected: that Joke knew he had classified materials in his possession. That came from the horse's mouth and he had no reason to lie in that situation. That destroys the plausible deniability angle and shows he intended to keep it. Showing it to his ghostwriter adds another layer of criminality and that is corroborated by the ghostwriter deleting conversations he had with Joke after learning about the investigation. You would think they would want to charge the ghostwriter but they won't, as is typical of this corrupt Admin. So again, I say the Dems can do the right thing and end the investigation into Trump, or continue with the charade and sink their chances even further. As Sherpa said, Joke is done. But not because of the documents, but because of Hur essentially saying Joke is too senile to stand trial.
  8. Wait, you're telling me that he knew he had classified documents at least as far back as 2017, didn't return them...and that's not proof of intent to keep them? Or that he didn't intend to show them to an unauthorized person? But again, we're not talking about criminal charges for him. Because there's no need. Everyone sees what he did was no different than what Trump did but that there's a 2-tiered system of justice. And again, the worst part of it was Hur calling him senile as far back as 2017. If you don't think Joke's handlers aren't scrambling for his replacement...
  9. They're just whining and crying because no State will be allowed to keep Trump off the ballot after SCOTUS rules shortly in his favor, probably unanimously.
  10. The law is that you cannot take/possess classified material, period. You previously tried to claim that Joke didn't know he had any and therefore was covered because once he learned he had it, he gave it back, unlike Trump who knew he had it and didn't give it back. Now we know he knew he had it since at least 2017...and never gave it back. Not only that, he also showed it to someone without clearance to view it. You think that didn't break any laws? But again, I'm not advocating being petty like the Dems are and going after Joke legally. I'm saying Dems should say "uncle" and tighten up the laws going forward. Because the court of public opinion is not on their side anymore.
  11. We know Colorado (and every other state trying it) will lose. The only question is whether this will be unanimous or not.
  12. Sorry but it's not just about giving it back as soon as you're asked: it's about knowingly possessing it and worse yet, sharing it. All this time you've been trying to convince yourself that it was "spillage" by his underlings and he never knew it was there (even though it was in his garage in plain sight). That's been proven to be false. And we also learned he showed it to his biographer. Yup. As I've been saying all along, they all do it even though they know they shouldn't. And now that we know both knew they had classified docs and didn't give them back, the Dems can either continue hurting themselves by pursuing Trump or acknowledge that fact and say "OK, Trump gave them back, it's over." He's done, but less for the classified docs than being called senile, as far back as 2017. And continuing to make gaffes, even when trying to claim he's not senile.
  13. They don't care, as long as they get a Dem into the WH.
  14. How so? You guys set the ground rules. Joke knowingly possessed classified information and shared it. The difference is that I'm not calling for Joke to be prosecuted.
  15. They're in trouble now that an Independent Counsel declared Joke to be what many of us knew and Dems refused to admit: a criminal and senile. They were just hoping that they could hide it until the election and fool everybody into re-electing those 2 morons and destroying the country further.
  16. Palestinians want all of Israel. That's what "From the river to the sea" means. They're never going to get it and that's why giving them a State won't solve anything.
  17. Not just him but all Joke supporters. Things are far from ideal right now.
  18. What Joke did was even worse than what Trump did. You can vainly try and spin it anyway you like but it only makes you/the Dems look even more foolish.
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