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Everything posted by Doc

  1. IOW...virtually no one was fully vaccinated under Trump considering you initially needed 2 shots spaced by at least 3-4 weeks. And despite doing all the things Trump supposedly did wrong...we still had as many people die at the end of 2021 as did under Trump's last year in Office. "OK, we'll take an illegal alien." "Here are 4 teenage males. Good luck."
  2. Every thread is a Trump thread to them. And...Yup. The Dems are wetting their beds, as Paul Begala said.
  3. This doesn't even come close to solving the border crisis. Instead of 2.7M illegals coming into the country a year, we'd get 1.8M.
  4. Meanwhile the walls have collapsed in on Joke.
  5. I love it when it uses the "I don't take responsibility" Trump meme for Wuhan virus and asks the idiotic "who was President" when Wuhan virus invaded. When Joke did a worse job with Wuhan virus.
  6. BTW, I see the left is trying to gaslight everyone by claiming Trump is as senile as Joke. Then again, if they succeed, that means Trump can't be tried for the documents, right? Right?
  7. Mayorkas is one of the dumbest people I've seen. I'm sure he also thinks idiot boy is the smartest man he's ever met.
  8. I have no idea who any Jewish person can still be a Dem at this point.
  9. This is what I said in the other thread.
  10. It is. That's why the left's only defense (mechanism) is to (laughably) claim he didn't know he had the classified materials. But they know he knew he had the materials all along and never gave them back. You want a case study in denial, this is it.
  11. Yeah. All those peaks and valleys on the surface make it fun.
  12. LOL! I was just wondering that myself. And to lie about it on top of it.
  13. I've read this part: "Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen." Oh and this part: [Joke's conduct] "present[ed] serious risks to national security." I also read how the ghostwriter wasn't pursued despite illegally destroying evidence after the investigation began. If you respond to just one thing, can you give me an explanation as to why he did that? Was it just conversations about wedding plans? Look, Occam's razor says Joke knew the classified material was there. It was in his friggin' garage next to his Corvette that he's seen, if not driven, every weekend of his Presidency practically, for crying out loud. You guys have to twist yourselves into pretzels (like you'll do if you answer my question above) inventing ways to avoid admitting this because in your mind Joke is and just has to be better than Trump...and it's comical. But again, I'm not advocating being petty and charging Joke criminally, despite what I quoted from Hur above (I'll leave that to the Dems and see them continue to buoy Trump in the polls). And as I said earlier, I'm not even advocating impeachment anymore. That's because the "he's senile" is the worst thing to come out of that report and has Dems scrambling like mad.
  14. Yeah but they buy carbon off-sets so it's all good...
  15. You're so smart, figure it out. Here's a hint: it's in my post above.
  16. That's about as dumb as people saying Melania was gone because she was with her sick mother.
  17. In related news, as of this morning all members of NATO have paid their dues...
  18. I'll address this in the other thread. But suffice it to say that even if it's his opinion he's senile, that was the most devastating part of the report. It might have been better to admit Joke should be brought up on charges and not talk about his senility.
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