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Everything posted by Doc

  1. The main driver is the internet, social media and porn, with a huge assist from men being told they're toxic and women believing they don't need one.
  2. Hoax. I just did. Like I said, you conveniently close your ears (and eyes) to it because it's just easier for you to do so.
  3. Have you ever seen anyone arrested for, much less charged with, assault for pushing past someone/pushed someone aside? No because no one really considers it assault. And Trump was invited by Gold Star families, as were Harris and Biden. If you have a problem with that, take it up with the families who themselves who stated it. And was it political? Sure. Should Biden and Harris have reached-out to the families sometime during the 3 years since their decisions led to their deaths? Yes. Which is more outrageous?
  4. It's definitely a real issue. A whopping 63% of men aren't looking for a relationship. Birth rates are going to plummet.
  5. They can't. As I alluded to before, it's at the point where they're entrenched and can't move off their (losing) position. And notice how the "assaulting an Arlington staff worker" was finally corrected to "pushed aside"? So now they're onto "it was illegal because it was political!"
  6. Try what? No one supports those who were violent or broke the law on that day and many of us consider it an embarrassment. You and your colleagues OTOH try to conflate us saying it wasn't an insurrection, (especially) planned or otherwise, and that those who entered through open doors but did nothing illegal shouldn't be punished, as condoning what took place. We've said this repeatedly. It falls on deaf or conveniently closed ears. "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement," [Trump] tweeted. "They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" Not that they were listening to him anyway since he said "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard" and never once told them to be violent, much less assault the CP, much much less break into the Capitol.
  7. Who should he have hired? Or is this an "I don't know, just someone else"?
  8. Is it any surprise? They need to deflect from the actual issue. So they gin-up fake outrage hoping it hides it. But instead ended up making it worse as they kicked the hornets nest of the Gold Star families.
  9. The "old" and "34 time convicted felon" had nothing to do with the question.
  10. Because he supported Biden previously.
  11. A heavy lift to tie her to it? Again it was the "Biden-Harris" Admin and she admitted to being the "last person in the room." This just reminded people of that fact and that's why the left is so outraged over it being a "political stunt."
  12. Hoax. You made up the "false sense of security."
  13. But hey, showering with yourt daughter is AOK...
  14. What truth? One person making a claim isn't a "truth." Holy non sequitur Batman... It's how the MSM always gets them: make the initial report sound horrible and then when the facts come out, they have egg on their faces. But by that time they're so entrenched that they feel they need to continue to defend it.
  15. No one supported beating cops that day. You OTOH you supported the far worse Summer riots of 2020. Which (also) involved beating cops.
  16. Just like drinking, driving and speeding at almost 100 MPH is a hearing problem. They're not winning the election. The polls are bogus and after Harris backs out of the ABC debate, it will be all but over.
  17. I didn't know where else to put this, but I recall people being upset that the Bills didn't take Brendan Rice over the English OL. I looked at his stats for pre-season and he was targeted 12 times...and had 1 reception for 11 yards. And he made the team. A favor to Jerry?
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