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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Right John. Because NATO has what to do with Ukraine?
  2. Interesting they want proof when in the EJC case, all it took was hearsay.
  3. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger...
  4. Is that supposed to be a Starship Trooper thing/ripoff?
  5. The best is their excuses for why Putin didn't invade Ukraine under Trump.
  6. Maybe what Joke meant by "minor incursion" was sniffing a child?
  7. They're used to hospitals being used for military operations...
  8. I don't hate anyone based on skin color. And I was being facetious since JaCrispy is black.
  9. Take a cognitive test, Joke. Hell, just draw a clock face. My FIL couldn't do it.
  10. Right. Just like he gave Putin Ukraine when he was in Office, unlike his predecessor and successor... Good idea. Instead of sending them money, send them people who want to send them money.
  11. People make stupid decisions that seem like a good idea prior. Sometimes you have to live with the consequences of them.
  12. This is wrong/false. Title 42 wasn't in effect for over 3 of Trump's 4 years (because Wuhan virus didn't hit until early 2020). Yet only 2M illegals came in under Trump. Title 42 was in effect for 2-1/2 years of Joke's Presidency and yet 8M illegals came in.
  13. You just hate black people, don't you?
  14. The hilarity of that tweet is epic. But what about you, JokeFromJerz?
  15. But hey, the stock market it higher. Just dip into your 401K to pay for them...
  16. Yup. You don't need an official diagnosis to see the clear signs of dementia. And the court of public opinion holds far greater sway. As I said, it would have been better if Hur had reversed it and said he recommends charges but that he isn't senile. If he wins re-election, charges can't come for another 5 years. But saying he's too senile to be charged means he's too senile to be re-elected, if not remain President. But you know what would put this to rest? Joke taking a cognitive test (even better, live on air). But they've rejected that idea, for obvious reasons. Yeah John, I/we all know the excuse. It's the same as it's always been. I don't need to read a report. It's bull####. I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. Hiding behind "you can't prove it beyond a reasonable doubt in a courtroom" is a cop-out. But I realize it's what you (all) have to believe/lie about in order to keep the case against Trump alive and believe that somehow Joke is better. Because once you admit he knew he had the classified material, his case is worse than Trump's from every angle.
  17. Yeah, but you wouldn't have been able to use the senility defense... Another female getting replaced by a biological male...
  18. Putin is a Jedi. You just look at/listen to him and he controls your mind instantly...
  19. You know what else this means (besides the FBI is incompetent for not finding the "bomb" with their eyes)? That it was a dummy bomb. Because these dogs are trained to smell explosives and can't act like they don't smell (or see) them.
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