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Everything posted by Doc

  1. What pisses me off is all these black athletes who grew up without a father but who got and stayed married because it's best for their kids, keeping silent. Like LeBron James. They don't say a thing because they don't want to be labelled an Uncle Tom or sellout.
  2. NATO chief says record number of U.S. allies will hit spending target You don’t say…
  3. Looks like Vlad is (again) taking the person behind in the polls. And of course, he also realizes Joke is senile and easy pickings.
  4. They blame him for Trump beating Hilly. With $1M in Facebook ads.
  5. This is (unintentionally, of course) hilarious.
  6. Like I said a millions times, it was from the Wuhan lab until proven otherwise. And to date, it hasn't even come close to being proven otherwise.
  7. Sure. You install a man/men on the inside and then don't take advantage of it. Makes perfect sense. Then again, maybe he did...
  8. Too funny. I just mentioned the 2012 Barry-Medvedev exchange yesterday.
  9. Then why invade under Barry and Joke when he could have taken Ukraine without a fight under Trump? Besides the stupid NATO talking point, that is. They have no rebuttal for the "Trump is telling them to pony-up their fair share" now that they've seen a clip of Barry saying the same thing. So now it's "he's lying about them not paying enough." Clowns.
  10. Abortion is tied for 15th in top issues in the latest poll.
  11. What do you expect from a Commie?
  12. Releasing more illegals after illegal immigration is the #1 issue and hurting only Dems.
  13. Like every other “scandal,” it was BS and proven to be so years after the damage is done.
  14. There is no need for compromise on the border. We cannot handle more people entering per year under Joke as entered in total under Trump. To the point where cities are “in a bind” with relatively few illegals being sent there because Texas shouldn’t have to financially support them all. The Dems created this mess and lied about it being a crisis until the polling data showed illegal immigration is the #1 topic, because of the crime and diversion of funds, housing and support to them over American citizens, especially POC.
  15. And it at least appears that Israel is trying to minimize CD. But when the terrorists are hiding like cowards behind their civilans, or in hospitals or underground, that's not going to be easy.
  16. Russia's been doing that for decades. Barry even knew about it prior to the election and did nothing. But they were proven to have spent $1M on Facebook ads for both candidates while Hilly spent over $1B. If $1M in Facebook ads could overcome over $1B... Gee, sounds like something Russia would do... Dumb guess. And totally devoid of thought or sense.
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