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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Was there anything he said prior to that to give it context?
  2. Joke will do nothing. He's Putin's favorite.
  3. And the MSM narrative was that cops were shooting/killing black people needlessly seemingly daily.
  4. No surprise. Just wait until more of them start committing crimes.
  5. That's now what I was getting at. I'm saying Dems want them in so they can get them hooked on government programs or wanting to keep them in the country, so they vote Dem.
  6. No, just certain Admins. Of course he did. She showed what an amateur she was with the "reset (that really said "overcharge") button.
  7. What? Prostitutes cannot knowingly transmit HIV? What moron came up with that idea?
  8. Yeah because he already pulled your strings like the dumbasses you are... What did he say, John? Did he say he was going to pull out of NATO? Did he say he wouldn't support NATO members who paid their fair share? Did he say he would tell Russia to invade them? Nope. But that's what the left is parroting.
  9. Please. Dems want to "fundamentally transform" America. As I repeatedly say, you can't love something if you want to fundamentally transform it. And America's greatness is hanging-on by a thread. But greatness doesn't automatically last and recognizing when things are starting to fall apart is the key. Not trying to change it to something it never was. As for rewarding hard work, are we? Or are things being dumbed down?
  10. I go on a "hunger strike" every day. For 4 extra hours.
  11. That's chump change. Joke abandoned $7.1B in Afghanistan...
  12. This is (again, unintentionally) hilarious. At least we acknowledge that America was great at one time. You guys OTOH hate America/never thought it was great and are looking for it to become some Shangri-La that can't/won't ever exist, and are just making everything worse for everyone in the process. I mean when your examples of "rational thought" are to say "yeah, it's OK for kids to have life-altering gender surgery as a minor" or "yeah, biological males competing against biological females is fine"...
  13. Well now he's openly rooting for Joke. It's not some (debunked) conspiracy theory.
  14. Oh, some do. They see anything he says and attribute the worst thing possible to it. Others just read headlines and don’t bother to investigate further.
  15. So now Putin is going to help Joke, right? Right?
  16. You beat me to it. It’s never a crisis…until it suddenly is because of polling.
  17. It's a crapshoot. You just have to hope you get lucky.
  18. Not really. It tells you who they think will be the next President...
  19. It's just as sad to twist comments to make them fit a narrative. Again, Barry told NATO they had to pay more in 2014. Obviously they didn't listen. They are now...
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