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Everything posted by Doc

  1. We knew several days ago who did the shooting. That's because those lives don't matter...
  2. You don't think Pence would have made a far better President than Kammy? As for the church vote, I was floored when I heard him say he'd be fine with a 15-week abortion limit.
  3. Yeah and they all know it. Not releasing the transcript and refusing to have him take a cognitive test just prove it even more. The problem is they have no one else so they're stuck.
  4. It's amazing what Pfizer's money could buy...
  5. Apparently Engmoron is retiring soon. Shocker. This will be overturned on appeal.
  6. The ready availability of porn has devastated the younger generation.
  7. Putin basically admitted what scared/scares him about Trump: his unpredictability. So it makes sense he probably wanted Hilly and now wants Joke. They're easy pickins. He's always wanted to sow discord in the US and is hateful for that reason alone. But as I've been saying all along, the over-reaction by the Dems in thinking Trump was a Russian puppet did far more damage than Putin could have ever hoped/been able to do on his own.
  8. Two incompetent individuals, although Kammy can't blame senility. Again these are our choices.
  9. Kammy's the best insurance against using the 25th on Joke... If he had a good memory, he wouldn't have let him speak because he's the only reporter who is a thorn in his side. So he burned himself and that's why no one laughed. The "stuttering" problem was never mentioned once until he started to show signs of dementia.
  10. Never mind that, again, who is the aggrieved party (except for TDS'ers)?
  11. Sometimes people need an extreme example/incident before they're moved to act. Like being told NATO won't support you if you don't pay up. Or if a country gets invaded.
  12. The money they had never changed. It was the policies. And money can be allocated without it needing to be tied to anything. If you want the border closed, that is.
  13. So you're against all those things? They only care because of Joke's criminal actions in firing Shokin trying to protect Hunter/Burisma and the "phone call." They didn't give a ***** when Putin took Crimea under Barry.
  14. The same idiots who thought Romney would "put y'all back in chains" now would vote for him as VP. You can't make this ***** up.
  15. Too late. It's too stupid to do anything in this world.
  16. Should have used Engmoron instead.
  17. I have no idea why anyone responds to that braindead idiot. Besides it being easy.
  18. There have been 8M illegals who have entered the US in just 3 years under Joke. There were 2M who entered under Trump in 4 years despite resistance by the Dems to many of his policies trying to limit their entry. That massive increase is all on Joke/the Dems. Their presence is busting city budgets, leading to an increase in crime and resentment over what they are being given and needy citizens are not. And the polls are reflecting it as it is now the #1 issue for people. Which is why the Dems finally stopping lying about there not being a crisis since Joke reversed many of the policies that were working on Day One and why they are laughably trying to shift the blame to Repubs. No one with a brain is buying it. I was asking if Joke being senile was an "unconfirmed conspiracy." But as for believing what you want, your side is no less guilty of it. So spare me the indignation.
  19. You believe a fetus short be allowed to be aborted up to the moment of birth, John? How about minors having life-altering gender surgery? Porn in kid's libraries? Biological males competing against biological females in sports? Open borders? Defunding the police? Do you believe in those things?
  20. Yeah it does, John. Sure it was a stupid way to put it, but it was meant to force NATO allies to pay more for NATO. Again Barry urged them to give more and they didn't. Now they are.
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