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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Except he wasn't President when he stole his classified documents.
  2. Ugh. My son is going to law school in August and still waiting to hear back from schools. He's going to attend the highest-ranked one he gets in, which right now is University of Minnesota (16th in the nation) in...Minneapolis.
  3. Yup. That's why the left freaked-out when Musk bought Twitter/X.
  4. So Juarez should have been booted from the US a year ago...but his bail is set at $1? Am I missing something here?
  5. Desperate times...call for stupid assertions.
  6. Emboldened by Dems openly revealing themselves as the anti-Semites they always were.
  7. Exactly. Russia can't even handle Ukraine with minor assistance from NATO. They'd have no chance against a NATO country.
  8. There's no conspiracy needed to say they're (still) a corrupt country that is stealing our money. And hey, if other countries want to foot the bill for this forever war, I'm completely for it.
  9. It didn't obscure it: they're still maintaining that he had no idea he had the documents and/or has been senile since at least 2017 and thus couldn't remember he had them.
  10. Obviously, but that doesn't mean she's anywhere close to being Presidential material.
  11. Anyone heard from Wacka? It's been 3 days.
  12. Is this the "Putin/Russia is going to start invading NATO countries" again?
  13. Yes. I was being facetious and didn't mean it any other way.
  14. Well it is California. They went Simple Jack awhile ago, so...
  15. Doesn't matter, he's "defeated" them. Never mind that the "2 week" war with Ukraine is now over 2 years old. But yeah, he's defeated the US and NATO.
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