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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Like I said, the real war on women.
  2. What sanctions? He's still considering doing something. And Putin wouldn't have invaded with Trump in Office. Because, as he said, he doesn't know what Trump would do.
  3. What's Joke gonna do to Putin? Judging by his tough talk about MBS when he was in his basement prior to the election, nothing. Wait, maybe give him a fist bump. Beg him for oil?
  4. They hate when they escape from the plantation...
  5. The "bombs" that bomb-sniffing dogs couldn't even detect? That had no remote detonator and used a 1-hour egg timer? Shyeah, right!
  6. But, but, but...he will commit suicide if he's not allowed to play against girls.
  7. Greg Price (the guy in the tweet/whoever that is) is being satirical. No one serious actually believes the country was even close to being lost that day.
  8. The hypocrisy being Slick is a rapist who they had no problem with campaigning for their beloved Hilly. And now he's out campaigning for Joke.
  9. FIFY and thanks. If that's where he ends up going, we probably won't visit in the artic times. And we're holding out hope he gets in somewhere higher-ranked and closer to home.
  10. What else is new? And it just took a poll last month for them to admit their ***** polices did lead to a crisis at the border. What a clown show.
  11. "Waaaah, the Republicans didn't accept a (*****) border deal. The 8M illegals that are killing even sanctuary cities and the increase in crime is all on the Republicans!"
  12. If they go ahead with the documents case against Trump, then the R's will impeach Biden. Then we'll see if the Senate has the sack to convict him of an obvious crime.
  13. They don't know and can't answer that. But they're sure it's going to happen. Just like Trump becoming a dictator this time around.
  14. I just asked a nurse who works with me and who is Russian "so did Putin kill Navalny?" She said (with a slight smile as she was walking away) "he died of natural causes." I LOL'd.
  15. Yeah but this time will be different. Once Russia conquers Ukraine, the rest of the World is next!
  16. Stupid. The right has always cared about law enforcement except arguably for one single afternoon which was shameful. The left doesn't.
  17. Stepdown...and replace him with whom? Kammy? LOL! No, they're stuck with him. And her.
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