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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Because he's predictably incompetent. No surprise he'd want him (and Hilly) in Office.
  2. Trump is as bad at killing NATO as he was at leading an insurrection...
  3. I've read 8M, but 7.2M in 3 years is still more per year than all 4 years under Trump.
  4. Dems did far more harm to the US than Putin could ever have done by himself. Congrats.
  5. Goldman is the perfect idiot spokesman for Dems.
  6. I do. I hate paying for a millions streaming services which end up costing about the same. And Oliver is an idiot with one of the most punchable faces ever.
  7. Owned? You mean by, say, a pee tape? Because he was supposedly building a hotel in Moscow? Because he didn't impose more sanctions on Russia or give Putin Ukraine? Unclutch the pearls.
  8. If you mean he wants to isolate countries who don't pay their fair share into NATO...
  9. Brandon has no chance of winning re-election.
  10. They always like to conflate legal immigration with illegal. It's how they can act morally superior.
  11. So does Joke... And speakers? What speakers?
  12. If they want to, they can. They won't because he'll be braindead by this time next year, much less beyond, and it won't be worth it. But I should have said that if they say he's fine and just has a stutter, then his handling of classified documents is just as criminal, if not more so, than Trump's. And that's gonna impact his re-election chances. As for being the 14th best POTUS, they listed Carter 22nd. That tells you all you need to know.
  13. Is "isolationist" the latest focus group word? Or does it have another meaning? Because Trump wasn't one.
  14. So will Engmoron...when Trump become President again.
  15. 2016 called... They've had sanction on Russia since Barry and "Putin's puppet" Trump imposed more. I'm asking what they're doing about Navalny's death? Again so far they're talking about more sanctions. When the previous sanctions weren't doing a whole lot. LOL!
  16. As usual, he makes a good point but says it in a dumb way. And the left freaks out over it.
  17. I disagree. They cant hide his senility any longer. Because if they do...he gets charged for his classified documents criminality.
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