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Everything posted by Doc

  1. You'll do the same for Joke. He's also a crooked imbecile (and that predates the senility, just ask Barry). Again it's less about the man than the issues for me.
  2. There were 1/5 the number of illegals coming into the US under Trump versus Joke despite Trump's wall not being fully built. Another meme fail for BSTime.
  3. This isn't wasn't what I remembered as I thought she flew solo so I watched the video. You're right that she was with a pilot and there were dual controls so he could take over. The issue there was bad weather and foolishly flying in it. That's happened to JFK Jr. and many experienced pilots. But this led to more restrictive limits on what children can do. So if you're trying to tie this into gender-altering surgery, it's the opposite of what you may be arguing for.
  4. It's an extension of the Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004.
  5. No need for a bill. All Joke has to do is reverse what he did on Day One that caused this.
  6. Again I don't know how many made up "we" at the time. I remember that and thought it was stupid and a tragedy waiting to happen and I was right. You can't drive a car at least until you're 16 and that's just 2 dimensions.
  7. Much of the stuff about Trump in Steele's dossier came from Russia. It's what they do. So we should similarly tear the Bidens apart... They're all money-grubbing whores. Call them crooks if you like. It's less the person I care about than the issues. And Trump faking a union event while Joke lies for 3 years about there not being a crisis at the border...until the polls show it looks terrible for the Dems because of all the money given to them and crime that's happening. That's politics for you.
  8. No "we" did not say that an 8 year old was fine to fly a plane, much less across America. That's just insane.
  9. It's mean to cause chaos. And it's worked perfectly on the Dems.
  10. Right. Because career pols are pure as the driven snow. And no, not even smarter than Trump. Putting classified documents in your garage? Be real. What new Russian revelation?
  11. Funny that he only invaded under Dems. And only after Trump left office and NATO..."got stronger." In any case, Putin's doing it all wrong. He should have sent hundreds of unarmed protestors to Ukraine's capital. According to Dems, that's all it takes to take over a government...
  12. You mean the guy who was called senile by the special counsel?
  13. Who cares about character when you can have the heir to Levi-Strauss donate major money?
  14. I prefer Dr. Feelgood. Or DOC.FLGD as my license plate reads.
  15. Where'll they'll likely stupidly vote Dem and ***** up that area...
  16. Or sitting on the board of a corrupt natural gas company in a corrupt country both of which he knew nothing about and getting a prosecutor fired for looking into that corrupt company?
  17. They know Joke is cooked. Too senile to be prosecuted for his classified documents crime which also means he's too senile to be re-elected.
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