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Everything posted by Doc

  1. I go by actions more than words. The prosecutor that replaced Shokin didn't investigate corruption, or at least, he didn't end up charging, much less convicting, anyone. And as I said, the "corrupt" Shokin was never convicted of corruption. You'd think they would have at least made a token gesture by charging him formally.
  2. Yeah I heard Shokin was "corrupt" but never charged, much less convicted. It was a BS excuse. Ukraine has been and still is a corrupt country, which is why I laughed when I heard that $100B sent there has been lost. Again why Hunter Biden was on the board of a corrupt company is anyone's guess but we can speculate as well as you can.
  3. It's more like asking for the instruction manual on how to fix the lawnmower.
  4. And? I'm just using your outrage over funds being withheld. As you said, the US should have "demands on countries before they receive funding." Ukraine was and still is a corrupt country (58% of money sent there was lost) and merely electing a new regime didn't mean they weren't corrupt.
  5. Yup, pretty sure. Again, if he wanted our information he would have gotten it already.
  6. You're assuming Musk wants to spy on people using the Treasury department. He doesn't.
  7. LOL! Yeah you just turn a blind eye to his idiot son being on the board of a corrupt company in a corrupt country, who has no qualifications to be there.
  8. They'll have to get in line behind those who were fired for refusing the COVID vaccines.
  9. Giving away money is controlling the purse, which isn't his job. Looking into a payment system isn't controlling the purse. And you're paranoid about being spied on by Musk? Because he hasn't had the ability all along to do it?
  10. No. That's what Trump was doing. If it involved a corrupt political rival, so be it.
  11. No, people were saying that Biden withheld funds from Ukraine unless/until they fired a prosecutor looking into Burisma after Trump got impeached for withholding funds from Ukraine until he was sure they weren't as corrupt as before. Funny how after several years...
  12. You thought they'd have (properly) self-reflected after 2 pages?
  13. We'll see what the Mexican troops do now. They have 1 month. As for Canada, again a pledge means nothing. Trump took Office 2 weeks ago. The pledge should have been fulfilled at the latest by that date. And the markets recovered by 10:30 AM.
  14. Mexico has 15,000 troops at the border? Could have fooled, well, everyone. What have they been doing, siesta...ing? As for Canada's pledge, when was it (going to be) implemented? Sounded like a "yeah, whatever" and then when Trump showed he was serious, they did as well.
  15. They've been told to (continue to) call Musk the President. I suppose as a way to get under Trump's skin.
  16. You don't like to think...things through. Canada caved. They (knew they) would lose bigly in a trade war with the US. I'm glad it didn't come to that.
  17. Have you seen your posts in the USAID thread?
  18. The libs are going to blow a gasket when Elon gets put on the case...
  19. We'll have a month to find that out. And again, what was lost? Your avocados will still be cheap. You mean the market can go up after going down?
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