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Everything posted by Doc

  1. There's no education in reading 370 pages when the problem was created solely by Joke reversing Trump's policies on Day One. We know there's been a crisis and Dems are finally admitting it because the polls look bad for them, so pressure Joke to go back to Trump's policies. Then we can talk about "comprehensive immigration reform" and aid to other countries in standalone bills.
  2. He was figuratively a professor. He did nothing a professor does like teach classes, do research or handle administrative responsibilities.
  3. There are things worth wasting time on and things that aren't, John. I don't need to (allegedly) read a 370 page bill to know it's not worth passing when it has to contain aid for something completely unrelated, and when the problem it's ostensibly trying to "fix" can he done so with someone just reversing what he did to cause it.
  4. We'll see. I've seen too many people count out Musk before, myself included initially.
  5. Yup, he kowtowed because he needed something. Funny how that works. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. And Joke could have done something about Kashoggi's murder when he became President. He talked a good game when he was running for it. But when it came time to put his money where his mouth is...he fist-bumped MBS and groveled for oil.
  6. Is that what the corrupt judge isn't allowing into evidence?
  7. Google OTOH hasn't sent dozens of spaceships into orbit (much less back to be reused). Suffice it to say he probably has people of equal brilliance working at X/Twitter as SpaceX.
  8. They weren't going to pay him $2M (since it took almost 2 full seasons for the civil suit to finally be dropped) while also paying another punter.
  9. So he wasn't literally a professor?
  10. There's no stretching, John. Illegals knew the border was open when a Dem got back into Office. That's why more illegals have entered per year under Joke than did under Trump. And that's why it's the #1 issue right now. Playing semantics with "he didn't actually say" is silly.
  11. I have been saying since almost the beginning (once I learned she lied about her age) that her story was bogus and he would ultimately be cleared. But the Bills made the right move cutting him because he would have been a major distraction. This goes beyond just "voices" and a female owner: it made national news and even players on the team were upset at the allegations because several have daughters. And also as I've said, someone would sign him, but not until his legal issues were resolved, which came just a few months ago when the civil suit against him was dropped. And by that time Araiza felt betrayed by the Bills for not having his back. IMHO it wasn't a matter of the Bills not bringing him back into the fold. There was a huge difference in level of outrage between the two cases.
  12. Reid is and always has been a great offensive mind. Again I doubt you'd find anyone who would take any of the Bills' OCs of the past few decades over him. But he's never had a great QB like Mahomes before (and who has nothing to do with clock management). But don't forget the effect that adding Spagnuolo at DC had. He was a guy who twice shut down 2 of the best offenses in NFL history in the SB.
  13. In one of the last interviews I read by Araiza he said something to the effect of "it's a shame that teams don't stand by their player(s)." I knew right then and there that he would never sign with the Bills.
  14. Again that Hur report was more devastating for calling him senile than a criminal (he's both). Refusing to take a cognitive test didn't help matters any.
  15. Did these morons ever find out that "debank" is actually a word? Probably not, considering they get their "news" from SNL...
  16. You've heard the term "figuratively"?
  17. Hey, since we're dusting off oldies like "Russian collusion"... No it's not "doc." Maybe Joke will do something about this unlike the lip service he paid to Kashoggi when he was campaigning from his basement. Wait, what am I saying?
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