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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Right because you libs are so good at knowing when you've been/are being manipulated.
  2. The point being Spags has done it on the biggest stage. McD hasn't. And there's no argument Reid is a better play-caller than anything the Bills have had in decades.
  3. It's all they have now. No doubt they wake up in the middle of the night in cold sweats after having a nightmare about either Putin or Trump.
  4. I support a woman's right to choose up until a certain gestational age. After that it becomes murder. And the law reflects that since if you kill a pregnant woman, it's double homicide. While I never agreed with banning all abortions, I realize it has always been about the life of the fetus, not "hating women." And Ukraine has put up a good fight. I'm not saying no one else should fund them, just not us. And Putin has shown that he has no chance to defeat another country, much less a NATO one.
  5. Women's "freedom"...to kill babies. Awesome. We have our priorities straight... And the "democratic world" doesn't hinge on Ukraine or any single country. Never has, never will.
  6. LOL! Dems think people only care about abortion and Ukraine.
  7. JokeFromJerz: the trailer-trash version of Julie Kelly...
  8. I just checked and you're right.
  9. Putin...is Russian. And he prefers Joke. Let that sink in sparky.
  10. If it's Chinese, they don't want to risk angering their handlers by shooting it down. Until public sentiment demands it happen, that is...
  11. It shot up in 2012 because we elected a black President and "America is irretrievable racist!" was dying. The race baiters had to find a way to keep grifting.
  12. Garbage in, garbage out. AI doesn't program itself. At least initially...
  13. Don't waste your time on that moron. There were ~352K Wuhan deaths in 2020 and ~455K in 2021. Again despite there being vaccines and treatments mostly available after 2020. This idiot somehow thinks that Trump was responsible for the waves of Wuhan virus that came in under Joke despite Joke "correcting everything Trump did wrong." Speaking of the Wuhan death counts at least under Trump, I was talking with a nurse at work who I've worked with for over 10 years and who is pretty apolitical. She said she worked in the hospital for a month during 2020 when our surgery center was closed down. One day a trauma came in and the patient died She was told to go in and swab the corpse for Wuhan virus. She did and it was positive...
  14. I said in the other thread that he better not be illegal. It's about to get a whole new level of ugly for the Dems.
  15. I just like telling him/them just how badly Joke cocked-things-up with the border, again predictably, given his unilateral actions on Day One. It's all on him/Dems and public sentiment is turning on them, especially their base.
  16. Considering they couldn't detect obvious "bombs" at the DNC HQ before allowing the future VP enter into the building, lying about her whereabouts that morning for a year and being unable to get the "pipe bomber" despite having his license plate number and cell phone data...
  17. I have had a different opinion than you since Joke reversed Trump's policies on Day One, that predictably led to this crisis John. It's not my fault you were too dull to have noticed or partisan to acknowledge the crisis because it looks bad for Dems, and they know they can tell you to ignore or believe anything they say and you'll swallow it whole and ask for seconds. I know you know how bad this looks for Joke/Dems and were hoping that a border deal that allows 150K illegals in/month and is inexplicably tied to aid for Ukraine and Israel would somehow give the Dems a "win" despite the 8M illegals already in the US (in the word of Adams) "destroying cities" and leading to crime. Again it's as simple as Joke going back to Trump's policies that he reversed without Congress/a "deal." But that would give Trump a win and we can't have that now, can we?
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