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Everything posted by Doc

  1. "Correctly" is a dead giveaway. And it's not "supporters," it's "voters." Meaning including many Dems.
  2. Just finished DOOM Eternal.
  3. They've been saying this for awhile. They have to wait until the war is over. But by then, there won't be much of a country left.
  4. I was speaking in reference to to the examples I provided above. IMHO those are clear-cut. I absolutely deserve to be a citizen as much as you do even though your ancestors immigrated before mine did. What you're asking is another discussion entirely.
  5. He was too stupid to know how to behave. Up there with too senile to remember being a criminal.
  6. Yes. But children of legal immigrants should absolutely be citizens.
  7. Illegal immigrants? Yes. Legal immigrants? No. That's just dumb.
  8. No one's buying it now. It won't work later. Yup. That's why they don't want voter ID.
  9. So because my parents were immigrants, even though I was born here, I shouldn't be a citizen?
  10. Everything I said was correct. Sorry if you read something else into it that wasn't there. This is just stupid. Even for you.
  11. Disagree with Mueller...that there was interference by Russia (everyone acknowledges that, and they've been doing it for decades) and there was contact but no coordination? And then a later finding that Russia's actions had no effect on the election? No, I agree. Yeah. Months long death and destruction in big cities was fine with them, but an afternoon of stupidity was the worst thing ever because we were a whisker away from the Government being overthrown by people with no weapons and no plan.
  12. And realize that there were a fifth of the illegals entering the country under Trump despite Dems' efforts to decrease illegal immigration.
  13. Also Gavin Newsom: Harris' stupidity is an asset.
  14. Interesting. And Ukraine is the last country to want to lie for Russia. And it's plausible. I mean, why kill him now?
  15. "Putin helped Trump in 2016." "Of course he did!" "Putin was found to have preferred Hilly and said he preferred Joke." "That's Russian disinfo!"
  16. Doc


    No. But she is.
  17. What happened to the Joe Manchin-Mitt Romney ticket? There's a reason no one serious ever runs 3rd party.
  18. Dems saving their votes to vote in the Republican primary. How cute.
  19. His defense against the '07 Cheaters was one for the ages. I still remember Brady guffawing at one of the Giants players saying they were going to hold them to 20 points...and then holding them to 17. And yes the Chiefs' defense this past season was excellent. And most importantly healthy.
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