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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Everyone's paying more for everything. And putting it on credit cards. That bill's gonna come due well before the election.
  2. How can any self-respecting Jew still be a Dem at this point?
  3. Blacks killing other blacks is acceptable. Maybe even fine, with them.
  4. It's hilarious to see them spin/lie/ignore everything crooked the Dems (also) do. And then claim the other side only does it and is in a cult.
  5. Yeah but Trump never did criticize Putin for killing him...
  6. I can envision idiot boy on the street holding a cardboard sign saying “will quit crack for democracy.”
  7. Good that he's getting the death penalty. But I thought libs were against that?
  8. Body cam footage will likely exonerate the POs. But you probably won't hear a retraction from the media.
  9. Yeah but that's different because he gave it back as soon as he knew...
  10. Again anyone who wants to "fundamentally transform" something can't have ever loved it.
  11. The Dems are eating their own as well. They're now the party of antisemites. And beyond that, they're losing POC.
  12. Does Big Fat Fani believe J6 was an "insurrection" and trust cell phone data that caught protestors at the Capitol that day? Well then...
  13. If any family member said they wanted to get a pit bull, I'd smack them upside the head.
  14. Yup. If I were a shithole 3rd world country, I'd send the dregs of society to where there's an open border. It would explain how these "economic refugees" somehow have the money to go thousands of miles away.
  15. And that's why you'll be eliminated.
  16. LOL! Allowing biological males to compete against biological females, porn in children's libraries and allowing 8M illegals isn't "evolving."
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