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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Continuing to do nothing with the border? Good move, Dems.
  2. Sure it does. TDS can only be placated with bad news about Trump. Again there is no cure. But rest assured, Putin wants Joke because he knows Joke is a, well, joke.
  3. So libs are up-in-arms over this because RNC money will be used to pay for Trump's fines?
  4. Yes, Trump single-handedly caused the National Debt. LOL!
  5. They were just looking for an excuse for why Hilly, who was leading in the polls and seemed a shoo-in for Prez, and who they were sure was the next in a long line of "the next first..." could lose. Russia (suddenly, considering Barry's and Hilly's cozying up to them just 4 years earlier) was a convenient scapegoat.
  6. Also as I've said, the Dems did far more damage to the US than Putin could ever have hoped. And all it took was a little over a million in Facebook ads for both candidates, with a little more going for Trump (that didn't persuade anyone).
  7. As I've said before, TDS is debilitating and permanent.
  8. Wait, does he get 72 virgins as well?
  9. More like getting pulled over for DUI because you're speeding and someone saw you with a beer can in your hand and everyone freaks out. But it comes out later you blew a 0.00 and the can was for chewing tobacco.
  10. Creates the mess, ignores/lies about the mess for 3 years, and then when the polls turn against him, claims there's a mess that's the fault of the Repubs for not accepting a ***** border deal. What a clown.
  11. He does. For the same reason he preferred Hilly and the CIA knew it and hid the truth.
  12. Don't bother. These same idiots believe that Joke didn't know he had classified documents all over his house at least as far back as 2017.
  13. No surprise. No one's wasting money on a futile 3rd party run.
  14. Joke is Putin's boy. He prefers him to be President.
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