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Everything posted by Doc

  1. "Durr, we didn't realize the response we'd get from our barbaric actions..." ***** demons.
  2. Can anyone explain the infatuation of democrats with hamas/antisemites?
  3. He'll get it all back and then have $4B when Truth Social goes public.
  4. DEI. Probably figured just indicting him would be enough to sink his election chances and they could put any idiot in there.
  5. I agree. But did you feel that way when it happened to Trump? Twice?
  6. Crime happens. But when it's caused by an illegal, (most) US citizens won't be happy.
  7. Oh, I know. I just laugh because like everything else, they selectively choose what to believe. Like they've investigated every Trump but didn't bother to investigate Kushner. Or how Putin saying he prefers Joke is Russian disinfo but everything said about Trump is legit.
  8. I love how Dems still bring up the $2B SA gave JK, as if the Dems didn't investigate that to the hilt and couldn't find anything untoward.
  9. I know that bipartisan means. There is no need for bipartisanship when Joke is the only one who created this crisis and is the only one needed to fix it, or at least make it better. Again needing to deal to stop the flow of illegals into the country means you don't want to do it unless you're given something in return.
  10. Doc

    Do You BitCoin?

    Yup. Thanks again. And I have more than doubled on several cryptos.
  11. I love how they plan to be healthy in the playoffs...
  12. Ukraine is showing the Russia can't handle a NATO country.
  13. Joke didn't need Congress to reverse Trump's policies on Day One, that led to 8M illegals coming in (so far). He doesn't need Congress to reverse those reversals and stop the flow into the country. But that would give Trump a win.
  14. Now I believe those who say that AI will kill us all...
  15. Great memory "doc." I never said any such thing because that would have been a lie. You OTOH have lied about several things.
  16. To say that the Democrat party isn't being run by the loony far left is the height of hypocrisy. I mean, even he disagrees with boys claiming to be girls competing against girls, and from where in the Dem party is that coming and where is the push back from the rest of Dems?
  17. It was an utter embarrassment. But they can't/won't admit it because it makes Joke look bad.
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