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Everything posted by Doc

  1. They're not. It's just using the 2016-2020 playbook and hoping he gets convicted of a crime before the election because Joke's re-election chances are nil.
  2. Gutfeld (who you mentioned) blows him away. And he's even got a (gasp) black man on his "panel" almost every night. He was destroying the other late night John Olivers in ratings despite being on cable, until he moved to 10 PM.
  3. I love that you love Oliver and SNL. It confirms everything I know about your intelligence level.
  4. Wait, you think SNL is funny? LOL! Did you yuck-it-up when their "news" team guffawed over Trump saying "debank"? Says everything...
  5. The Finnish study concluded these people have major psych issues above and beyond their gender dysphoria. Which is no surprise.
  6. Canned laugh tracks are the hallmark of being funny and intelligent...
  7. That's what terror over the upcoming election looks like.
  8. Jill probably has as much sex with Joke as Melania has with Don.
  9. There's no need to work with Joke. He single-handedly reversed Trump's illegal immigration policies that, despite Dems fighting him every step of the way, led to 1/5th the number of illegals entering the US under him than Joke. The reason why Joke won't reverse what led to this disaster is because it gives Trump a win. Of course not.
  10. The majority of Muslims are Dems. It's the party of anti-Semites now.
  11. So they had just 9 cases? Might be time to audition actors for the Netflix film...
  12. Not nearly as bad as all the global warming cultists flying their private jets to Davos...
  13. Remember when Trump walked slowly down a slippery metal ramp back in 2020 and the left went crazy? Good times.
  14. It's like them learning Joke knew he had classified docs back in 2017 but trying to hide behind "well, they won't be able to prove that in court." Clowns.
  15. Both not going to get Wuhan virus and not going to give it to grandma. And also perfectly safe.
  16. I've said numerous times I'm not asking for prosecution for what Joke did because they all take classified material. And after that devastating (and incomplete since he didn't hold the ghostwriter's feet to the fire like he should have) Gye report, I'm not even calling for impeachment anymore, which the Repubs could easily justify. But "he didn't know he had it" was a bull#### excuse from the beginning and even more so after the Hur report. If you want to continue to believe it (because your psyche won't allow you to believe Joke is as much of a criminal, if not more, than Trump), that says more about you than anything else.
  17. Says the guy who still believes that Joke didn't know he had classified material all over his house. Or more likely you're hiding behind the "you can't prove it" because you know he's guilty but still have to put up the charade that what he did is no better than Trump, if not worse because he wasn't President and showed it to people unqualified to see it.
  18. What about Trump's son-in-law and grandkids being Jewish, and Ivanka converting to Judaism? But what do you expect from them? They know their party is now known as the party of anti-Semitism, so they have to claim the other side is to deflect from it.
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