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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Maybe if we spread the word about it being a Russian war/soft attack, Joke/the Dems will actually do something real about it...
  2. Don't bother. These idiots made up their minds that Wuhan virus, though no one knew anything about it and there were no treatments at all, was all Trump's fault. They aren't to be taken seriously. Especially when Joke did a worse job given what he had available.
  3. No, it's a guess. There's nothing educated about it. Again Joke's diet isn't helping his brain from deteriorating by the second. And you don't know what Trump's diet is, much less when he'll croak. Could be tomorrow, could be 10 years. That goes for anyone, regardless of diet. No one knows when their number is up. As for flubs, Trump's occasional one is Joke's daily. Even other countries are starting to make fun of it.
  4. Don't worry, they're not counting on Shakir to be a #1 or 2 WR.
  5. Worthy will go no later than 13th overall. If there were a place to make a bet on it, I'd bet the farm.
  6. You know that Worthy won't last past the Raiders, at least...
  7. I'm not going to go so far as to call him a pedo, but showering with your own daughter is creepy AF. 🤮
  8. Forgive him. He probably forgot he was President... But at least they're not in "cages."
  9. Yes, from a corrupt Admin and jury pools. But still no convictions.
  10. And again, the same number of deaths in Joke's first 9 months as Trump's last 9 months. Despite vaccines, treatments and "correcting what Trump did wrong."
  11. LOL! Good one. Got the winning Powerball numbers there as well, Miss Cleo? Never mind that how Joke is eating and the drug cocktails he's on aren't helping his senility any.
  12. It's all they have, along with Russia, Russia, Russia. Never mind that, again, the Dems are the party of anti-Semites now, which has drawn in many White Supremacists because they also hate Jews. And the isolationism thing because they believe he was/is trying to destroy NATO is just dumb. Sure Trump threatened NATO (I don't like the way he said it, but it got the desired results) but now they're stronger than ever.
  13. No. The "4" is OT losses which count for a point but are still losses. So they're 29-32.
  14. Sorry your masters weren't able to gaslight everyone forever. Like I said, the most damning thing about the Hur report was calling Joke so senile that he couldn't be prosecuted for his crimes.
  15. He's got a long way to go to be at Joke's level of senility. And that's with Joke barely doing anything during the day.
  16. True. Joke's mental decline is a problem that's been acknowledged, but can't be fixed.
  17. Thanks. So Leggette is 6'1" and 221# and ran a 4.39. Not bad.
  18. Their reversal of everything Trump did wrong "shut down the virus"...
  19. Using a disgraced British spy to get disinfo from Russian spies is collusion.
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